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STEVENSVILLE YOUTH SOCCER - paper forms? bottom of "Parents" page

News Detail


Oct, 2015

Raising Funds for Our Soccer Field

The Town of Stevensville has a new playground thanks to a group of hardworking people and many donations. Although they didn't reach their goal for fundraising, the community pulled together and built what they could in 5 days! The end result is a great addition for our park!

The Stevensville Skate Park is also under construction and although they are $40,000 short of their goal, they are proceeding and still fundraising.

Stevensville Youth Soccer has completed their fill portion of Field #2. The fall season of soccer is underway and we are also working hard to raise the funds for our soccer field!

We have put out the challenge to all of our teams to help us raise money for the field. The team that raises the most money before the end of the season wins a pizza party!

On October 10th, we are having a truck challenge! A local contractor has put out the challenge for all other dump truck owners to haul at lease FIVE loads of topsoil to our field as a donation. We hope to have truckers loaded and delivering for 12 hours that day.

With the $3,785 remaining from the Treacy Foundation grant we will pay the two operators that are loading the trucks and the grader operator that will be spreading and leveling the material as it is delivered.

We have started a large campaign asking for donations to help pay for the topsoil that will be transferred to the field. We estimate that we will need 2,000 yards of topsoil for the field and have secured the material for $12/yard.

Our next hurdle is to raise the $15,000 needed for our sprinkler system to be installed. We put the project out to bid this spring and we have a contractor ready to go as soon as the topsoil is delivered and funding is found.

The last step of the project will be seeding the field.  We have used the last portion of a grant that we received from the Stevensville Community Foundation to purchase the seed in preparation for planting.

We at SYS feel that we are getting closer to the completion of our dream. With the increase of 60 players in our program over the last five years, this additional playing space will help us with the scheduling of practices and games.