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Mountain District Union Program Refund Policy:

The success of the Mountain District Union program is dependent on the players who make up each team and their commitment to the team. Players are invited to the team typically based on a tryout process after expressing interest and accepting all related policies and procedures. Players accepting invitations are making a firm commitment to the team should it go forward, and the fees are non-refundable except at the sole discretion of Centre Soccer Association. The process of forming teams is time consuming and complicated, and once completed, Centre Soccer will then proceed on behalf of each Mountain District Union team to assign coaches, practice fields and times, complete all player registrations, as well as complete all PA West and tournament registrations. Accordingly, we expect that all players and parents will follow through with their commitment to the program by completing all required paperwork and paying all fees in a timely manner.


The Mountain District Union program has a stringent refund policy because a player’s acceptance has the effect of denying another player an opportunity to play on a competitive team or in other cases, the player's acceptance is a deciding factor on proceeding with team activities & expenses which are contingent on the number of acceptances received by the club for that team.  Additionally, once the team goes forward, expenses accrue to the Club for services provided to the team. Accordingly, fees are not refundable and not transferable. Fees for participation in the Mountain District Union program cover the program details posted at the time of tryouts. In the event a team adds events to its schedule or costs of any kind that generate additional fees to the Club, the team is responsible for paying those based on a pro-rata percentage to be determined by Centre Soccer Association, and Centre Soccer Association will charge each player individually. Centre Soccer Association is not responsible for unfulfilled commitments beyond its control such as, but not limited to, training sessions, tournaments, and league games.  A player who accepts an invitation to play with the Mountain District Union program commits to pay the entire fee for their team's full year of soccer. No refunds, partial or full, will be made to players who choose not to participate at any point after acceptance for any reason, including players suspended from the program.

Please see more information regarding RETURN TO PLAY:  MDU Return to Play - Summer 2020