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Bradford United Soccer Club

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Jan, 2013

Recap 1-20 PLEASE READ

Hi Spartans! 
Sorry this is a little late, but I really just wanted to say how proud I am of the game on Sunday. Your girls played really well. Serving was really great and I saw more movement on the court. 
This week we will continue to work on movement and talking on the court. We have practice like normal on Friday. I plan to have the girls work on controlling their passes. Which is a big step for this age group but is a fundamental of volleyball. 
Just a reminder we have a double header at our gym this Sunday!! We play at 1:30 and again at 2:30. Please give me a heads up if your daughter cannot make it one or both games.
 Last thing let me know if there any birthdays coming up, I like to celebrate them as a team.
Coach Rachael 