Welcome to the Swamp!
On behalf of the Tri City Gators “TCG” association, we would like to welcome you to our Gator family!
This document is to go over some basic information for starting your experience with our football and Cheer program and what you can expect leading up to our season! Physicals: All participants are required to have a physical dated on or after January 1, 2025. This form needs to be completed, signed and stamped by a medical professional (MD, PA, etc.). For Physicians that do not fill out physical forms please have them indicate on their form/letter if the participant is “Cleared for sports”. TCG will be offering specific dates for Physicals at the Park (see specific dates at the end of this letter).Certification: In addition to completing the Tri-City Gators and Pop Warner national registration forms, each player will need to turn in the current end of school year report card, 2025 completed physical, original birth certificates (will be returned after book certification) and proof of residency. Participants must attend Mt Baldy conference book certification date (TBD).Equipment: Your player will need to have a pair of cleats (non-metal), athletic apparel for conditioning practices, a cup or girdle and a mouthpiece; you will need to purchase these. TCG will loan out shoulder pads, helmet, practice pants, practice jersey and game pants which will all be returned at the end of the season. Your player will also be issued a game jersey. Please note: that loan equipment will not be issued unless registration balances are paid in full. A deposit check or card information will be required/held during the season for any equipment-related incidentals. You are responsible to wash your participants' practice jerseys and practice pants prior to use. Your player will also be issued a game jersey. The game jerseys (with their last name) will be your players’ to keep at the end of the season. Fitting for uniforms will happen during equipment issue day (see dates at the end of this letter). If unable to attend equipment issue participants are at risk of uniform delay. Volunteering: Our organization runs off participation of our volunteers and appreciates them. TCG will require each participant's family to game volunteer for a minimum of 2 games. Game volunteers include chain gang, play counter, snack bar etc.. Any time you can dedicate to assist in ensuring the best experience possible for our participants is greatly appreciated. This season TCG board will work with team moms to create a volunteer schedule for game days. The volunteers can be a parent, grandparent or responsible older sibling. If you are interested in volunteering your time as a coach or team parent, please let the head coach know and complete the volunteer documents and requirements .Thank you in advance for all that you do to help the Gators thrive! Fundraising:. TCG will host one mandatory participation fundraising event in lieu of team fee. More details TBA. Your participants’ team will host team fundraising throughout the season starting July 1st to raise money for any team spirit wear, team bonding events throughout the season, end-of-season team gifts/party, team volunteer gifts and travel expenses for Nationals (if team qualified)Snack Bar: We will have a snack bar open for your convenience at most events. We truly appreciate all purchases (food/drink/merchandise) as those funds help pay for additional costs to run the season such as practice field/game field/lights/game day officials etc. In addition, donations of snack bar items are always accepted. Thank you for your support! Communication: All Gator events details will be shared via TCG main Facebook and instagram pages. Teams will utilize the “Band” app for all team specific communication and TCG updates. We appreciate your response to the events on “Band” app and social media as this will assist in getting an idea of how many people to anticipate at events and receipt of notification. Refund Policy: Initial $140 payment is non-refundable including in the event of a pandemic, or any other state/county/city wide mandatory cancellation or shortened season. In the event that the participant is medically unable to participate in this season he/she has registered for, a note from a medical professional is required for board consideration of partial refund. Spirit pack: Fill out this google form to place spirit pack order. One set per football participant is included in registration https://forms.gle/jqjuEn8BJb1iRBjR9Events: Here is a list of important events leading up to the start of the season and during the season (details to be provided closed to event dates) *Pre-season camps opportunities: March-July 2025 ( specific dates TBA)*Equipment Issue for 6u/8u/9u/10u: June 7, 2025 *Equipment Issue for 11u/12u/13u
June 8, 2025*Make up equipment issue date
June 21, 2025 *Physicals at the park: June 26, July 8, July 15, 2025*TCG association Fundraiser (TBD)
June 2025*Dead period
June 22-July 7th*Coffee with the Coaches
July 12, 2025*All certification paperwork due:
July 15, 2025*SEASON START:
July 15, 2025*Swamp night: TBA*Pre-season games:
Aug 16 & 23, 2025*First game:
Aug 30th, 2025 (season schedule estimated to be available at the end of Aug)*Picture day:
Sunday Sep 7, 2025*Make-Up Picture day Sep 14,
2025*Salute to Soldier: September 2025
*Gators Homecoming Game: October 2025*
Equipment return: December 2025*
Lake Elsinore winter Parade:
December 2025Gator week:
The official season will begin on July 15, 2025!
Practice will be as follows: J
uly 15- Aug 15 Tuesday-Thursdays 6 pm-8 pm and Saturday times TBABA
Starting Aug 19 practice will be Tues-Thursday 6 pm- 8pm Practice field: Marna O’brien Park -
20505 Palomar st
Wildomar Ca 92595
Home game field:
Lakeside High School
32593 Riverside Dr
Lake Elsinore Ca 92530 (subject to change)We would love to see our Gator families representing our colors (Royal blue, Orange, black) as much as possible as we should all be proud to be a Gator! We are honored to be serving this community and excited to have your family with us! sport TCGator apparel whenever possible to show your Gator pride! We are humbled at the opportunity to help your child develop and grow within our association. We appreciate our players, cheerleaders, and families as they join us in this journey of our 2025 season. Sincerely, Tri-City Gators Board of Directors https://www.facebook.com/tricitygators/