Website Manager

Staten Island United Youth Soccer Club

Rockets United

Rockets United

Rockets United is for experienced and intermediate players aged 5-7 who are seeking to continue their soccer skill development. The class is designed to be a skills and scrimmages class. The skills emphasized are dribbling, ball mastery (using different parts of the foot - inside, outside, sole, heel, shoelaces), zig-zag dribbling, 1v1 moves, passing and receiving, defense and striking. This is an all-round skills class with technical instruction, small sided games and 3v3 or 4v4 scrimmages. The athletes will learn problem solving, decision making, spatial orientation and good sportsmanship. Every session includes a word of the day that we teach and model such as Resilience, Confidence, Determination and Courage.


*Note the Registration Process has changed. It will take you to a new website that will require you to create an account.