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MO State Cup Qualifying League

Missouri State Cup Qualifying League~Fall 2020
Hosted by Raytown Soccer Club

Schedules will be published August 15th
Teams that indicate they are available to play August 22 will be notified by email if they have a game.

Per MYSA rules for Fall 2020 State Cup, Qualifying Games
must be scheduled by  3:00pm September 25

-and Qualifying Game Played By  October 2nd

Age Groups (11v11) U14— U19 — Girls High School

Purpose of this League:  The Missouri Qualifying League (MQL) was formed to provide a high-quality, flexible scheduling League which meets the MYSA State Cup requirements for teams to participate in the Missouri State Cup competition as stated in the State Cup rules Section VI.  This League is open to other teams from USYSA affiliates in neighboring States who will benefit from the quality competition and flexible scheduling.  Teams targeting to play in Missouri Presidents Cup are also welcome and will form a separate division from the State Cup level teams.

To register your team to play in the  Missouri Qualifying League, please complete and submit the registration form (link above) and submit payment of $400 league fee
no later than August 8, 2020. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected] 

Games will be played at the Raytown Soccer Complex - 14200 E 87th St, KCMO, 64139 
If you wish, and we find teams to play from other parts of the state, we can also schedule games (1-2  in a day) to be played at the Missouri Soccer Park in Boonville, MO

Your team must play 4 games in a qualified league to be able to play in State Cup competition in Missouri. Of those four games, only one may be from a team from within the same club and, all must be against teams competitively carded by Missouri Youth Soccer or another US Youth Soccer State Association.

A spreadsheet will be sent to you via email after your team is registered and paid so you can indicate when you are available to play.  This must be returned to the office via email to [email protected] no later than Wednesday, August 12th, 2020.  

$400 per team for league registration plus
payment at the fields in cash each game to referees. (See below for breakdown of referee fees) 


Game Day Line Up card 

Lineup Sticker template 

 Referees paid cash at each game, split by team.
Under 13 &14  Center - $50.00, Asst Referee $35.00 each
Under 15 & 16   Center -$60.00, Asst Referee $40.00 each
Under 17,18, 19  Center - $70.00, Asst Referee $45.00 each

*****The deadline to reschedule/cancel a game is Noon on the Wednesday prior to the weekend of the scheduled game (whether the game is set for Saturday or Sunday).  If you cancel or reschedule after Wednesday at 12:00 PM, you will still be responsible for half of the referee fees plus the assignor fee for that game. 

State Cup MYSA webpage:

State Cup Competition is October 16-18 and Oct 23-25 
Register team and pay by August 8th 
Submit team open dates for scheduling no later than August 12th 
Schedule out August 17 
Games played between August 22-October 1

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