X Factor Soccer Training
for Academy and Elite Players

The X Factor is that in-definable "something" that makes a player great. It's that "thing" that makes an individual stand out and capture your full attention. The X Factor players is dedicated, focused, and ferocious in the pursuit of excellence.
X Factor is for players committed to success. This hour-long training is high intensity. Players will be pushed to train outside their comfort-zone to improve their ability to change speed and direction while keeping control on the ball.
Half of each session will be focused on getting multiple touches for players to learn and perfect foot skills. The last half of training has players competing under pressure where they can practice using their skills.
Players should have at least 2 years of competitive playing experience. All players must be evaluated to participate in X Factor training.
Training is held on Mondays and Wednesday evenings. Players may be moved up to the next level class.
5:30 - 2012-2013
6:30 - 2010 - 2011
7:30 - 2009 and older
Players must wear flats or turfs. No outdoor cleats allowed.
Cost: Players attend the first session at no charge. They will be evaluated to see if this program is a good fit for them.
Drop in rate is $20 per session
1 x per week is $60 per month
2 x per week is $100 per month