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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers Needed!

Stanwood Youth Football is a not-for-profit, volunteer run organization. Board positions, coaches and gameday support positions are all non-paid roles.  Board members and coaches volunteer between 20-40 hours per week during the season to ensure your player has a positive experience. Given the effort needed to pull of a successful game day it is expected that all parents provide at least 5 hours of volunteer time throughout the season, in addition to supporting fundraisers to support the ongoing needs and upgrades required to continue this successful program. 

Head Coach - Head Coaches are selected by the Board of Directors annually following an application and interview process. The application for Head Coaching positions is opened following the end of the prior year with decisions taking place in February. 

Assistant Coach - Head Coaches are required to fill out their Assistant Coaching staff. If you are interested in participating as an Assistant Coach and are not familiar with your child's coaching staff, or are new to the program, please Contact Us and we can put you in touch with the Head Coach for your division. 

Team Manager - The Team Manager, sometimes referred to as 'Team Mom' (although not required to be a mom), is the parent liaison for the coaching staff as well as the Board of Directors. The Team Manager is also responsible to ensure all documentation is received by players confirming their eligibility to play. Team Managers also serve as a central coordinator of team activities and assist with communications and event planning. 

Game Day Volunteers: 
Volunteers are required for games to be played. These include the following positions. Please contact your Team Manager to volunteer for a role. 
  • Concessions  - we offer concessions during home games. All funds raised through concessions support SYF and continued equipment upgrades. 
  • Field Monitor - a key position on gameday Field Monitors are on the sideline of the game and are responsible for official scorekeeping and fan management. Field Monitors are supported by onsite SYF Board Members. 
  • Chain Gang - 3 individuals are required for each home game to 'work the chains'. These roles provide the best view of the game and are responsible for down marker and 1st down chain management. 
  • Scoreboard - at home games we are required to provide scoreboard operations, including time clock management and scoreboard score keeping. Training can be provided in about 5 minutes and at stadium games you are in the score booth (warm with a great view)!
  • Clean Up Crew - after each home game teams are responsible to remove all trash from the home and visitor sides of the stands. This crew is critical to ensuring our ongoing use of the High School facilities. 

Part-Time Volunteer
If you cannot commit to an Assistant Coach or Team Manager role but would like to offer your support during practices or SYF camps, please Contact Us to complete a volunteer application,  as well as required background check.  Only registered Head and Assistant Coaches, as well as noted volunteer positions above will be allowed on the field / sidelines during a game. 



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