Football Cheer Season Information
Logistics of the Season
Practice times and standards:
Practice Rules & Regulations per NGYFA:
Rule 1.6 - Practice Regulations
All practices must begin at 6PM or later.
1. Pre-Season:
a. Week 1: Three practices no longer than 105 minutes.
b. Weeks 2-3: Four practices lasting no longer than 105 minutes. Preferably three week nights and one on Saturday.
c. Week 4: Two practices lasting no longer than 105 minutes and one additional practice lasting no longer than 60 minutes. If the heat index is 95-99, the athletic activity should be modified. For example, frequent water every 10 minutes and rest breaks must be held. Players should be able to get water at any time and should be under extreme supervision from teachers, coaches and trainers. The athletic activity must be kept to 90 minutes or less.
2. Season (Once games begin): Two practices per week, lasting no longer than 105 minutes and one additional practice lasting no longer than 60 minutes. Exception: If a team has a bye week, then they may practice 3 times for 105 minutes for that week.
3. If a team is in violation of the practice rules, the head coach will be suspended for 2 games.
Practices can not start any earlier than 6PM for working parents.
All cheerleaders must bring a WATER bottle to practice. It is very important in this heat to stay hydrated.
Always dress in cooling athletic clothes and tennis shoes (DO NOT WEAR CHEER SHOES TO PRACTICE). The white cheer shoes should only be worn to games, cheer pictures and BCCA events
Hair needs to be always pulled back in a ponytail.
No jewelry. NO EXCEPTIONS.
No food, gum or being on cell phones at practices and games. (There will be a designated time at games to have a snack)
Please be on time to practices and games. They need to start on time in order for the coach to teach all the material
It is not fair to the other cheerleaders and their families who get there on time if you are late.
It is very important for all cheerleaders to be at games 45 minutes before start time. This way the squad can all meet together and line up for banner breakthrough.
Game Schedules:
When we receive the schedule from the NGYFA, we will pass it on to your coaches right away.
The Board has no control over when the schedules are released; but we will get it to you as soon as it does.
The schedule is usually released by the NGYFA a couple weeks before opening day. (Usually mid to late August)
Dress code for games and practices:
For both NO jewelry. This is very important due to safety issues.
Bring pom poms to EVERY practice and game.
At games full uniform from bow to tow is required: shell, skirt, bloomers, bow, white no show socks, cheer shoes and pom poms. Unlinder if weather permitted. During October please wear your pink bow and pink out socks. Coaches can choose to wear Halloween socks on Halloween weekend in October,
At practice wear weather appropriate athletic clothing and tennis shoes (not white cheer shoes).
Hair should always be pulled back in a ponytail if long enough at both games and practices. If it is not long enough, please use a headband or half-up/half-down style to keep hair out of your cheerleader's face.
Emergency Plan
Every coach has a medical first aid kit and a binder with your child's medical waiver/health form you completed at registration.
If your practice is rained out, your coach will let you know if there is availability to practice inside. There may not always be an area for them to. If there is no lightning and thunder squads still need to practice.
During games if it is raining and the boys are playing, we cheer. We are there to support the football players. The only time a game is canceled is if it is thundering and lightning. If that is the case; the NGYFA will reschedule it.
Safety Protocols
Cheerleaders are NOT to ever be dropped off at practice and/or games. They MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Please understand that all siblings of cheerleaders must have direct supervision at all times during practices, games and/or events.
BCCA has a public Facebook page. We occasionally ask for pictures from games, practices, events, etc. to post. Please note that our posts are also shareable. We also post about our upcoming events with addresses, dates and times. This is a must for us due to how many rely on our FB for information. Please understand why it is so important to always have direct supervision over your children at all times!
BCCA Calendar
You have been emailed a BCCA calendar in your parent information email. This calendar is also available on our FB page and through your SportsConnect website. You must be signed into your account that was created during registration to gain access to the calendar on our website. The Stack Team app, which is a requirement for all parents, will also have important dates and information pertaining to the calendar and your specific team.
For more information please look at the BCCA FAQs tab!