Division Selections
The number of teams in each division is finalized through the process of tryouts and as registration closes in mid January, depending on how the registrants are distributed by age and considering the general assessment of the player pool by skill level. Once teams are determined, the division drafts are held starting with the Majors, then Minor A, Minor B, etc, and players must be drafted into their respective divisions based on assessments of their tryouts and the manager's knowledge of their prior division / baseball experience.
The T-ball draft is a more informal process of trying our best to even up the skill level distribution of each of the teams. And the Fall Season also follows a more informal format across all divisions and does not require a tryout.
Our Divisions
Read the descriptions below to learn the differences between the divisions we offer at Crescent Little League. This also includes a description of how teams / divisions are determined via draft.
This is our youngest division which teaches the most fundamental rules and techniques of baseball. A soft baseball is used for safety and players hit from off of a Tee to help put the ball in play and speed up the game. This is the division for "League Age" 4 and 5 year olds with some 6 year olds also placed here if they are inexperienced or need more time to learn the game before moving on to using hard balls and the coach pitch.
Minor C
This division is a coaches pitch division. The players will use hard balls in this division and will continue to develop the basic skills of the game. This level acts as a bridge from T-Ball to the other divisions where the players will be pitching. Minor C does not keep score and every player bats as well as plays in the outfield changing up positions every inning, In this division they do start to count outs and slowly incorporate the rules of baseball. Minor C is generally for 7 year olds but can include a number of 6 and 8 year olds depending on their skill level and experience.
Minor B
In this division the players start pitching. This is the first division that uses umpires and keeps score. Basic skills of the game are reinforced while new aspects such as pitching, bunting, and stealing are introduced. This division is comprised mostly of 8 and 9 year olds with a few exceptions made for very experienced 7 year olds who may get drafted here.
Minor A
The rules for Minor A are nearly the same as the previous division however the game becomes much more refined. With a year of pitching experience under their belt the players get better at throwing strikes and are also more apt to make contact when they swing. This division is made up of mostly 9 and 10 year olds with a few exceptions made for 8 and 11 year olds depending on their experience level. The dropped third strike rule is introduced at this level.
This is our premier division; composed of 10 through 12 year olds. Majors is the culmination of everything the players have learned through their years in baseball. The pitches come in fast, and some players can rope them over the fence for homeruns. This is the age group that plays in the Little League World Series.