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BYSA U8 Fall 2024


  1. Learning the Positions and Rotating Goalkeepers 

  2. Prepare for Game on Saturday- make sure you have a team manager and assistant coach if you don’t have one yet.

  3. FUNdamental Skills for the Game

  1. Dribbling- find green grass (open space without traffic/defenders)

    1. Laces- push the ball forward and run

    2. Sole- rolling the ball in either direction 

  2. Ball Control

    1. Inside of Foot- turning the ball

    2. Sole- stopping the ball before it goes OUT OF BOUNDS

  3. Intro to Passing and 2v1s

    1. Passing to Open Team Mate

    2. Passing from Goal Kicks

    3. Build Out Line

Practice - 60 minutes

  1. 10-15 Minutes- Warm Up with Pirates of Caribbean 

    1. Reinforce turns from first practice

    2. Make it FUN! Rename the parts of the ship or let the children come up with new names

    3. Reinforce the parts of the foot

      1. Laces to dribble outside of the circle

      2. Inside of the foot and sole to turn the ball and stop the ball


  1. 15-20 Minutes- Find the Color (from week 1)

    1. Reinforce the different turns and parts of the foot from Pirates

    2. Allow children to name the different areas this time

    3. Give two colors or two areas at a time to make it more challenging 

    4. Give specific parts of the foot the children have to use each round (ex. Laces, sole, or inside)

  2. 10-12 Minutes- Magic Number

    1. Reinforce the turns to beat a defender

    2. Introduce the 2v1s and 2v2s

      1. Beat defender with moves when possible

      2. Find open teammate if can’t defender


  1. 15-20 Minutes- Play the Game! 

    1. 4v4 to 5v5, depending on the number of children at practice

      1. Okay to have uneven numbers, like 5v4

      2. Practice Kick-offs and let each child have a turn taking the kick-off

    2. Coach the players with the ball on dribbling, turning, and stopping the ball 

      1. Reinforce the sole and inside of the foot to control the ball and stop the ball before it goes out of bounds.

      2. Laces to dribble into space and go to goal