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BYSA U8 Fall 2024

Week 4

Practice Plan and Objectives:

  1. Prepare for Game on Saturday- kick-offs, throw-ins, goal-kicks, and corner kicks

    1. Positions and rotating Goalkeepers

  2. FUNdamental Skills for the Game

    1. With the Ball

      1. Dribbling- find green grass (open space without traffic/defenders)

      2. Passing- find a teammate in open space

    2. Ball Control

      1. Inside of Foot- turning the ball

      2. Sole- stopping the ball before it goes OUT OF BOUNDS

    3. Passing and 2v1s

      1. Passing to Open Team Mate (in open space/no traffic)

      2. Passing from Goal Kicks

        1. Build Out Line

Practice - 60 minutes

  1. 10-15 Minutes- Warm Up with Individual Possession

    1. Reinforce turns and parts of the foot

      1. BUZZ PHRASE: Change direction, Change your speed!

Change direction to get away from defender then change speed (go fast!) to get to space away from defender


  1. 15-20 Minutes- Individual Possession 2

    1. Reinforce points from Individual Possession Warm Up

    2. Chang direction, Change your speed!


  1. 10-12 Minutes- Individual Possession 3


  1. 15-20 Minutes- Play the Game! 

    1. 4v4 to 5v5, depending on the number of children at practice

      1. Okay to have uneven numbers, like 5v4

      2. Practice Kick-offs and let each child have a turn taking the kick-off

    2. Coach the players with the ball on dribbling, turning, and stopping the ball 

Reinforce Change direction, Change your speed!