NUSA is pleased to announce the Winter NUSA Kids program
Beginning on Sunday, January 8th thru Feb 26th, 7 consecutive weeks + a makeup day (if needed), Mark Carr will lead the NUSA Kids program. Our mission with NUSA Kids is to give younger children a fun & positive first experience in soccer with kids their own age. Teamwork, Fundamentals, and Good Sportsmanship are important skills each player should develop from this program. This is a unique opportunity for all U5/U6 players to improve their skills, make new friends, and HAVE FUN!
Where: Sunset Middle School Gym, 200 Sunset Trail, Brentwood TN
When: Weekly on Sundays, from January 8th thru February 26th
Time: 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Cost: $65
NUSA training jersey (optional): $15
Click Here to Register
NUSA Kids is open to all players. Please feel free to pass this email along to friends and family who may have children interested in joining the program.
For additional information, contact Mark Carr
Thank you for considering the NUSA Kids program.