Online registration for the 7th and 8th grade Tryouts 2023 season is open. The LCBBC would like to invite all 7th and 8th grade boys who live within the Lake Central School District to tryout for the 2023 season. All Players must register at Tryout details are as follows:
Tryouts will be held at Grimmer Middle School
7th Grade - Saturday December 10th, 2022, 1:00~3:00
8th Grade - Saturday December 10th, 2022, 3:00~5:00
If needed, we will host a tryout on Sunday 12/11/2022 for those who cannot make it on Saturday.
*Any player who cannot make their scheduled tryout slot may attend any tryout slot*
Acceptance emails will go out by Sunday 09/11/22
Please arrive 15 minutes before scheduled time.
If you are unable to attend the tryout, please email Kevin Kluth at
[email protected] to make special arrangements.
The Meet and Greet (TBD) will be held at Lake Central
Best of Luck,