Skyline Little League P.O. Box 13222
Mesa, AZ 85216 (480) 203-4122 503C Tax ID # 3158
2017 Sponsorship Application:
Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor. Please fill out the form below and mail to Skyline Little League at the above address.
I/We will provide Support as indicated above. Enclosed please find a check for (Choose one):
___$300 (Banner Level) ___$600 (Team Level) ___$1,200 (Corporate Level) ___ Other ____ Amount
Please make your check payable to "Skyline Little League" It is understood that this fee will be used for uniforms, equipment, scholarships, umpires and other expenses necessary to conduct Skyline Little League operations for the 2016 season.
Sponsor Company or Individual: ________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name: _____________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________ URL of Sponsor Company/Individual: ______________________________________________ Authorized Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
Thank you for your support!!!