Voting for Board of Directors Officers
Here are a list of positions on our board (and the names of those who currently hold the position). A brief job description of each role can be found in your league email. All board members must attend a planned monthly meeting. If you would like to nominate yourself to be added to the ballot, please contact the league with your name and desired position by or before June 8th. The league can be reached at [email protected] We will open nominations during the closing program too. We are looking for engaged parents to step into some of these roles:
§ President (Bob Arnold)
§ Vice President, Baseball (Matt Dombroski)
§ Vice President, Softball (Dean Butz)
§ Secretary/League Information Officer (Vacant)
§ Treasurer (Bea DuBois)
§ Sponsorship & Fundraising (Holly Owens)
§ Director of Concessions (Leah Roach)
§ Player Agent/Safety (Tammy Lane)
All parents within the program are welcome and encouraged to participate in the nomination/voting process.