Dillsburg Dual Shootout Electronic Team Check-In
All Teams are encouraged to have a team representative check the team in Friday night before the tournament. This makes it easier to distribute the coaches bags and tournament apparel orders. If this is impossible for anyone with the team to do then check-in may be completed electronically using the procedures defined below.
Coaches that check in electronically must see their site coordinator at their site Saturday to pick up their Coach's bag and any tournament apparel order.
Documents MUST be sent as an Adobe PDF file.
1. Email a copy of your official current roster. The roster should show all of your players & coaches names, date of birth and pass picture. If a primary or secondary player on your official roster will not be participating in the tournament, please draw a line through their name on roster. If your team will be bringing guest player(s) please send the same information as provided for roster players.
A number of state associations have moved to the exclusive use of digital passes.They no longer issue physical passes for players. If your state association is using digital passes, you only need to upload a copy of your state approved roster. This document will have photos of the players already present beside each player's registration information. Need help printing your roster? Click here
2. Maximum roster size with guest players is; 14 for (7v7) 16 for (9v9) and 18 for (11v11).
3. All documents should be sent to: ddso.reg@dascsoccer.org
4. Please put “TEAM CHECK-IN” in the subject line. The file should be saved as your Team Name, Age Group, Gender, and. (i.e., Dillsburg Thunder U14B).
5. Your information will be reviewed by a member of our tournament committee. An email confirmation will be sent to you once it has been verified that your check-in is complete.
6. The last day Electronic check-in may be submitted is:
Sunday September 28, 2025