Schedules will be provided as soon as they're available
Spring opening ceremonies start at 9am. Get there early for donuts, coffee and live music! We will have a banner parade and a home run derby with our coaches.
Coaches will be in touch with practice schedules soon!
Fall practices are set to start this week. Exact time/date/location to be determined when registration closes.
Registration for Fall Ball closes 7-31-24
Fall registration open 7/1/24. Early Bird discount will be available 7/1-7/8/24
Dinner at the park! The Annual Spaghetti Dinner is 5/15 from 6-8PM Preorders are recommended.
Golf Tournament at 49ers Country Club to support the Sahuaro Fastpitch field improvements and updates.
Individual and team pictures will be taken on field 4 at Jesse Owens on Saturday April 6th. Please bring a bat and glove. All individuals will receive a free sports mate from Sahuaro Fastpitch. Contact your coach for ...
Schedules to be released as soon as they are available.
9 AM Arrival 9:30 AM Ceremonies Coffee and donuts will be provided Snack bar will be open with limited menu Banner Parade DJ Coaches home run derby 50/50 Raffle
Check in 5:00PM Evals start 5:30PM Please have catchers and pitchers warm up in advance.
Check in 8:30AM Evals start at 9AM Please have catchers and pitchers warm up in advance. 10U can attend either Sunday or Monday
8:00am check-in, Jesse Owens Park
5:30pm check-in, Jesse Owens Park 10U has the choice to attend either day
Jesse Owens Park
Lincoln Park
Todd Harris- Softball Field 1
Gladden Farms
Udall Park
Sahuaro Fastpitch PO Box 17976 Tucson, Arizona 85731
Email: [email protected]