Spring Recrational Lacrosse
This is a recreation Lacrosse Program that will be for Girls and Boys Grades K-8..
We will have 2 practices and games on Saturday.
Games will be held in a few different locations.
Our home field is at Canyon District Park.
First Practice January 24th. Season will go through the second weekend in April.
Cost - $399 includes player uniform.**When you select your size during registration please size up because the uniforms run small.
Sibling discounts available.
The cost of officials, equipment, uniforms etc continue to rise. We are a not for profit organization and we are trying to make this affordable for everyone.We will never turn away a child for financial reasons. Please contact Bryan Weinstein 561-388-4811 and we will get you signed up.If you would like to make an anonymous donation to support our no child turned away initiative please send an email to
[email protected]