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Staten Island United Youth Soccer Club

3v3 Avengers

3v3 Avengers

3v3 Avengers is a class designed to allow the game to be the teacher. The class, intended for 5-7 year olds, has two parts - 1. 20 minutes of instruction on passing, possession, pressing, 2v1's and team scoring through small sided games like Triangle Passing and Keep Away games like Monkey in the Middle, and Keep the Treasure. Team scoring will be facilitated with 3v0's and then progressively increased pressure with 3v0's against cones and 3v1's and 3v2's. 2. The second part of the class is free play 3v3. Coaches will assist with out of bounds balls and guided discovery at half-time. The focus of the class is to maximize touches on the ball and introduce players to team problem solving, decision making and spatial orientation. Athletes will placed in appropriate age groups to facilitate healthy competition, learning and enjoyment of the game. 


*Note the Registration Process has changed. It will take you to a new website that will require you to create an account.