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Suffolk, VA Youth Baseball & Softball

Holland Athletic Association

Procedures and Guidelines of the Holland Athletic Association

Age              Class
4-6               Shetland (Tball)
7-8               Pinto (Coach Pitch)
9-10             Mustang (Kid Pitch)
11-12           Bronco
13-14           Pony


  1. Only Coaches and Scorekeepers are allowed in the dugout. A Holland Athletic Association (HAA) member may enter the dugout provided he/she has prior approval from the Coach or Commissioner.

  2. Player uniforms must match.

  3. All Coaches on the field must be from HAA. An Association member may be permitted on the field provided he/she has prior approval from the Coach or Commissioner.

  4. Coaches or Team Representatives are encouraged to attend all meetings

  5. Commissioners must approve the final team rosters.

  6. All Officers who coach or otherwise act in the capacity for a team will be treated as a Coach or Team Representative and not an Officer.

  7. Rained out games will be called by the Umpire, Commissioner or acting Commissioner.

  8. Games will be re-scheduled between Coaches and with Commissioners approval

  9. All teams playing at other Association’s fields abide by the other Association’s rules- understand their rules before the games begin.

  10. Obey posted rules in the Concession Stand and elsewhere on the HAA premises.

  11. General meetings are open to all to attend. For “special circumstance” the Board will hold a closed door session where only Board members are allowed to attend. Board meetings may be rescheduled at the direction of the President.


  1. All registration fees must be paid in full before any player is considered eligible for placement on a roster unless previous arrangements have been made with the Board of Directors.

  2. Cancelled checks or online payment disputes will incur a $35.00 fee.

  3. Birth certificates are required at time of registration.

  4. Sign-up days will be open for all registration and dates set by the Board of Directors. Late sign-ups will be accepted up until date given by decision of the Board of Directors. Late fees may apply.

  5. All parents shall be required to sign/initial the commitment on the registration form acknowledging the responsibilities of concessions, fundraisers, etc.

  6. Every effort will be made to have at least two teams per age bracket; however this is dependent on registration of players and whether coaches are available.

Draft of Players

  1. Prior to the draft, each team will consist of one head coach and at least one assistant coach.

  2. At the official player draft, there will be a limit of two representatives for each team, of which only one will be the spokesperson.

  3. The Spring Draft for all levels (except Shetland) is as follows:

  • Each returning Head Coach shall protect up to 5 players from his/her spring team the year before. This shall include Head Coach’s and his/her assistant’s child.
  • In the instance that there are two returning head coaches from the previous spring, once the protected players are selected the remaining players will be drafted on at a time. The coaches will alternate making selections until all players have been selected.
  • In the instance that there is one returning head coach and one “New” head coach(has no draft rights) at a specific level, the returning head coach will protect their 5 and the “New” head coach will then select five(which shall include head coach’s and his/her assistant’s child). The coaches will then alternate making selections until all players have been selected.
  • In the instance that there is no head coach with draft rights at a specific level the draft will be conducted on a one on one basis. The coaches will alternate making selections until all players have been selected.
  • The order in which who is to select first in cases per section “b and d” will be determined by a number draw.
  • The order in which who is to select first in cases per section “c” will be granted to the returning head coach.
4.  Players that request to be on the same team due to “certain circumstances”(travel, siblings, etc…) are to be given consideration and if   possible put on the same team.

5.   Shetland players shall be put on the team requested. All other players shall be placed on teams by the board committee appointed during the day of the draft.


  1. Cups must worn by all boys beginning at the coach pitch level and above, to include games and practices. Coaches shall ensure that all players comply at each practice and game. Those boys who do not comply will not be allowed to practice or participate in the game.

  2. All players warming up pitchers must wear headgear and facemasks.

  3. All vehicles are parked at the owners risk and the Association has no liability for damage.

  4. Coaches should ensure that no one hits or throws balls against any of the fences.

  5. Side-by-side UTV for dragging field must be operated by an adult.  No children, no exceptions.

  6. All vehicles are parked at the owners risk and the Association has no liability for damage.


  1. The Head Coach will set up the team to the best of his/her ability utilizing all players. (special rules between interlocking Association applies)

  2. The Head Coach will be responsible for assigning team parents as needed. The team parents will assist the Coach in coordinating parents for taking turns running the concession stand and/or assist in any means which provide to help the team.

  3. Coaches are responsible for ensuring two (2) workers are assigned to work concessions for each home team game. Failure to do so will result in the forfeit of the scheduled team game.

  4. All parents are required to work in the concession stand or make arrangements to have someone in their absence.

  5. No children will be permitted in the working area of the Concession Stand.

  6. The Head Coach will select an individual for keeping the score book.

  7. Head Coaches (mustang and up) will be allowed two (2) assistant coaches which will allow a team to have two (2) base coaches and a coach to coordinate the bench. Tee-ball and Coach Pitch will be as needed per Head Coach.

  8. Coaches will be responsible for keeping all parents of his/her team informed at all times either by text, email, telephone or at games.

  9. There will be No Profanity or Abusive Language on any team by any coaches, parents or players.

  10. There will be NO USE OF TOBACCO while dressed in a coach’s shirt and there will be Absolutely NO USE OF ALCOHOL WHATSOEVER!

  11. In addition, Coaches will be responsible for the following:

  1. Preparing the field as necessary and marking off playing field for home games in accordance with the rule book.

  2. Insuring that all grounds equipment is secured after use

  3. Cleanliness of their field, dugout and bleachers after each game and practice. Please encourage parents and children to pick up their own trash.

  4. The Head Coach is responsible for their parents. Any issues will be dealt with between that team’s parent or parents and that teams Head Coach. Any problem that arises that a coach feels he/she cannot handle will be brought to the attention of the Commissioner.

  5. All Coaches will abide by the rules set forth by the Association and by the Pony Baseball League Rule Book.

  6. In the event if misconduct or deviation of the rules by any Coach, parent or player in this Association, it will be brought before the Board of Directors and will be subject to a warning; suspension; dismissal; or banned from the Association.


  1. Parents shall drop off and pick up players on time.

  2. Parents are responsible for helping with concessions during home games and as otherwise designated by the Team Coach

  3. Parents are responsible for notifying the coach in advance if their child will be unable to attend a practice or game.

  4. Parents must display sportsmanlike conduct at all times.

  5. Should a problem occur parents must first approach the Coach on a one-on-one basis. All conversations are to be held in a courteous and respectful manner and are not to be displayed in front of the team or children. If the parent is not satisfied after speaking directly with the Coach, the parent should then contact the Commissioner and, if still not satisfied, then the HAA President.

  6. Parents should support the Coaches, especially in front of the players. These are volunteers, not paid positions.

  7. Parents are encouraged to help maintain the fields and grounds and to participate in the field work days.

  8. Parents are encouraged to make suggestions for improvement within the HAA by contacting a Board member, or bring their suggestion to a regular membership meeting.

  9. Parents are responsible for complying with all posted signs on the HAA facility.

This Association demands fairness to all youths who participate in this league.


Remember- Winning and being number”1” is not everything!! But, in fact, being as a team that played together, gave their best, had fun, and showed TRUE SPORTSMANSHIP to all opposing teams as well as to each individual within the Association.



Contact Us

Holland Athletic Association (Youth Baseball & Softball)

6720 Ruritan Blvd 
Suffolk, Virginia 23437

Email Us: [email protected]
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