REVISED 3/01/2016
Table of Contents
Article I: League Name...........................................................................................................................................3
Article II: Objective.................................................................................................................................................3
Article III: Statement of Affiliation...................................................................................................................3
Article IV: Sites of Principle Operation and Boundaries.........................................................................3
Article V: Powers......................................................................................................................................................3
Article VI: Membership and Dues.....................................................................................................................4
Article VII: League Organization and Team Composition......................................................................4
Article VIII: Officers and Their Elections.......................................................................................................5
Article IX: Duties of Officers and Board Members.....................................................................................6
Article X: Board Meetings and Amendments...............................................................................................7
Article XI: Manager and Coaches......................................................................................................................8
Article XII: Assignments of Teams...................................................................................................................9
Article XIII: Player Draft.......................................................................................................................................9
Article XIV: Player Replacement....................................................................................................................11
Article XV: Rescheduled Games and Game Duration............................................................................12
Article XVI: Player Participation/Minimum Playing Time.................................................................13
Article XVII: Pitch Count Limits...…..……………………………………………………………………………..14
Article XVIII: Pee Wee and Rookie Division.............................................................................................15
Article XIX: Protest...............................................................................................................................................15
Article XX: Ejection and Suspension.............................................................................................................16
Article XXI: All-Stars............................................................................................................................................16
Article XXII: Miscellaneous Rules…...............................................................................................................17
Article XXIII: Amendments.............…...............................................................................................................17
Article I: League Name
This organization shall be known as the “Hunter Cyprus Babe Ruth – Cal Ripken League.”
Hereafter referred to as the local league.
Article II: Objective
The purpose of this league is to develop and operate a supervised, competitive baseball program in affiliation with Babe Ruth League Inc. and implant in the youth of the community ideals of good sportsmanship, teamwork, loyalty, honesty, courage, and respect for authority. Enabling them to be happier, stronger, helping them to be well adjusted to grow into good, decent, healthy, and trustworthy citizens.
To achieve this objective the local league will provide a program under the rules and regulations of the Babe Ruth League Inc. in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code. The local league shall operate exclusively as a nonprofit educational organization, providing a supervised program of competitive baseball games.
Article III: Statement of Affiliation:
This league is affiliated with Babe Ruth League Inc., a New Jersey Corporation. This league shall be governed by and shall comply with the principles, rules and regulations enunciated with decreed by Babe Ruth League Inc.
The local league shall annually apply for a charter from Babe Ruth League Inc., and shall do all the things necessary to obtain and maintain such a charter.
The official playing rules and regulations as published by Babe Ruth League Inc. shall be binding on the local league unless otherwise amended by the local league. The local rules of the local league shall be adopted or amended by the officers of the Local League Board at any regularly held meeting.
Article IV: Sites of Principle Operation and Boundaries
The principle operation of this league shall be in the community known as Hunter/Kearns/Magna,
West Valley City/Kearns/Magna, Salt Lake County, and State of Utah and may extend into such areas as provided for by the state, regional, and national headquarters rules and regulations. League boundaries will be the Hunter High School and Cyprus High School and Kearns High School boundaries as they now stand.
Article V: Powers
This league shall have the power to make and enforce rules and regulations to govern itself on a local basis, but consistent with and not contrary to any rules and regulations promulgated by Babe Ruth League Inc., or by the regional or state echelons of said Babe Ruth League Inc., to which this league is subject. The league shall have the power to solicit contributions.
Equipment, uniforms, and monies donated to a team of the league become property of the league as approved by the board.
Article VI: Membership and Dues
Membership is made up of the parents whose children are registered players of the local league. The local league officers will conduct registration. Any person chosen by the board as a Coach will also be considered a member.
Registration will be completed by the first Saturday in March.
A local league participation fee will be assessed as a parent’s obligation to insure the operational continuity of the local league. A 100% refund will be issued if a player voluntarily withdraws prior to the draft or is injured prior to the beginning of regular season play. A prorated refund will be issued if a player becomes injured after regular season play begins. The local league officers will determine the amount of the prorated refund.
Article VII: League Organization and Team Composition
Depending on the number of youth that register, the league shall consist of five to ten teams in the regular Babe Ruth Program and a 13-year-old prep program.
No team will consist of less than nine players or more than fifteen players.
The league will consist of divisions as follows:
Senior Division 16, 17, 18 year old
Prep Division 13, 14, 15 year old
Major Division 11 – 12 year old
Minor Division 9 – 10 year old
Pee Wee Division 7 – 8 year old
Rookie Division 4 – 6 year old
A player may NOT enter a Higher Division unless he meets all or some of the following requirements:
A Parent or Guardian is chosen to Coach in that Division.
Has played 2 Years in a previous division in actual age group.
C. Deemed in an evaluation by a Commissioner and the League President that the player has the capacity to participate in the Higher Division.
Any player that decides to play in a lower division, for any reason, will not be eligible to participate in All-Stars in any division.
Article VIII: Officers and Their Elections
The officers of the local league shall consist of a President, Vice President, Babe Ruth President, Secretary and Treasurer. This will make the Executive Board.
Each officer must be a member of the local league and must be elected by ballot or membership show of hands in June. He or she may not hold more than one elected position at one time.
If an office remains unfilled after the election, it shall be considered a vacant office to be filled by a person elected by the majority vote of the new officers.
Officers shall assume their positions September 1 and serve until August 31 of the following year. An officer shall not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office unless approved by the board.
The President will appoint board positions as necessary, such as: Commissioners, Equipment Manager, Chief Umpire, Snack Bar Manager, Fund Raiser Chairman, and any others as needed.
If an officer fails to attend three consecutive meetings without adequate excuse or to perform the duties of his/her office, the officers shall declare that office vacant. Any resignation will be submitted in writing to the President. Any resulting vacancies (except President) will be filled in accordance with #2 of this article.
If the President fails to attend three consecutive meetings without adequate excuse or fails to perform the duties of his/her office or offers written notice of resignation; the Vice-President shall become President and a new Vice-President shall be elected in accordance with #2 of this article.
A nominating committee will be formed no later than May 1 to recommend or recruit new officers. The President may not sit on the committee but will orient the committee on its duties and procedures at its first meeting. The committee will consist of one officer and four members of the local league. A meeting of the nominating committee must be attended by at least three members. Nominations must be given to the President for new officers by June 1.
Article IX: Duties of Officers and Board Members
The President will preside at all meetings and has overall responsibility for the operation of the local league. He/she will ensure compliance to the principles, policies, rules, and regulations of the Babe Ruth League Inc. and of the local league.
Appoint members of the board.
Investigate complaints, irregularities, and conditions detrimental to the local league and report thereon to the officers as circumstances warrant.
With the assistance of the Babe Ruth President and the Vice President, approve eligibility of all players before tryouts and draft.
Conduct registration and with the help of the Babe Ruth President and the Vice President, maintain any waiting lists.
Oversee and coordinate the activities of the board.
Vice President
Assists the President in the performance of his/her duties.
Performs the duties of the President in his/her absence.
Keeps a record of all league games (wins and losses).
Oversees the Babe Ruth President.
Other assigned duties.
Babe Ruth President
Schedule league games and make-ups.
Communicate to the board any coaches problems or concerns.
Propose rule modifications to improve operation of the league.
Coach’s instruction and orientation.
Conduct tryouts and drafts.
Conduct All-Star tryouts and selection process.
Other assigned duties.
Records the minutes of all meetings.
Brings a current copy of the Constitution and Bylaws to each meeting
Maintains an accurate list of league membership.
Prepares correspondence.
Arranges meeting places.
Notifies officers of meetings.
Other assigned duties.
Have custody and be responsible for all funds of the league.
Keep a record of all receipts and disbursements of league funds and securities. Obtain President’s approval for fund disbursement.
Prepare an annual written report of receipts and disbursements.
Receive and deposit registration monies.
Other assigned duties.
Equipment Manager
Responsible to procure, safeguard and distribute equipment of the league.
Maintains a signed record by the manager of the team of distributed equipment.
Has equipment available for issue to managers as soon as possible after tryouts.
Ensures that all team managers turn in equipment before closing ceremonies.
Ensures that each All-Star team manager is issued equipment for tournament play.
Collects All-Star equipment not later than one week after tournament play is completed.
Other assigned duties.
Ensures that qualified umpires are available for each game.
Schedules umpires for league games and makeup games.
Trains umpires for Minor and Pee Wee Divisions.
Other assigned duties.
Snack Bar Manager
Maintain budget for snack bar
Track inventory and make necessary purchases
Schedule dates and times for snack bar help
Ensure proper training is provided to all help
Oversee all Snack Bar activities
Oversee park on assigned shift/day.
Forwards Communications from board to coaches in assigned division.
Acts as representative for players and parents in assigned division
Oversee special activities in division
Assist with any needs of Executive Board
Article X: Board Meetings and Amendments
Regular meetings will be held. The President will designate them. Notice of meetings will be given at the previous meeting. The Secretary will call each member and others by invitation, at least one day before the scheduled meeting.
The officers may call special meetings, as required; a meeting may be convened at the request of five board members. An attempt must be made to notify all members of said meeting.
The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended, replaced, or altered in whole or in part by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting. The officers and board members must submit in writing the changes they wish made. The changes will then be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. All Bylaw changes for the upcoming year must be made prior to the start of the regular season.
The league Constitution and Bylaws will not be changed once regular season play begins and until post season is completed. However, they may be amended for clarification at any time the board feels there is a legitimate requirement, such an amendment requires a majority vote of all board members.
Only the officers and current board members may participate in the vote. A majority of the board members must be present to enact changes. A majority rules. Officers and board members unable to attend may vote on a change being considered by submitting his/her vote in writing to the President before the meeting.
Robert’s rules of order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings, except where it conflicts with the Bylaws of the local league.
Article XI: Manager (Head Coach) and Assistant Coaches
Each team within the league is authorized a Manager (Head Coach) and two Assistant Coach’s. Managers for all Divisions will be presented to the board, by application, by the end of the last registration day for approval. The board will select all Mangers by majority vote.
Approved Managers may select the Assistant Coach(s). The Assistant Coach must be an active coach and be involved in at least 50% of the practices and games. If the Assistant cannot commit to at least 50% of the practices and games then the player will not be protected.
Managers must submit the name of their Assistant Coach no later than 48 hour before tryouts or the draft if there are no tryouts. Under no circumstances may an Assistant Coach be selected on the day of tryouts or the day of the draft.
Any Manager and Assistant Coach who violate this rule will not be permitted to manage or coach any all-star team.
The protected player involved will go into the draft next year and loose protective status for the next two years.
The Executive Board can only overrule the above mention.
All Managers and Coaches will be selected before tryouts or the draft if there is no tryout.
Managers and Coaches are responsible for selecting players during the draft.
Managers and Coaches are responsible for actions of their players on the field.
The board may release a manager or coach for un-sportsman like conduct or mistreatment of players.
Managers are responsible to report to their respective Commissioner any openings on their roster within seven days of such an opening.
Managers are responsible to turn in equipment before closing ceremonies. All-Star
Managers are responsible to turn in equipment no later than seven days after the completion of post-season play. Failure to meet these deadlines may jeopardize the manager’s eligibility to manage or coach a team the following year and will result in the Managers being billed $200.00.
A Manager or Assistant Coach cannot be a designated Manager or Assistant Coach for any other team within the same division.
The President may not be a Manager during term of office unless approved by the Executive Board.
All Managers of the Peewee, Minor, and Major Divisions are responsible to fulfill their umpiring assignments throughout the course of regular season play, which consists of umpiring 2 games on the same night. A Manager may seek help in fulfilling these assignments from their assistant coaches or other qualified individual. If a Manager fails to fulfill an assignment the following penalty may be assessed by the Executive Board:
1st Offense – Warning from Executive Board
2nd Offense – Suspended from a game and forfeit the opportunity to Manage or Coach an All-star team in any division for that year.
3rd Offense – Removal as a Manager effective immediately and a new Manager will be appointed by the Executive Board.
Article XII: Assignments of Teams
All returning Managers will keep previous team if approved to manage by the board.
Returning Assistant Coaches may become Manager of team and be deemed a Returning Manger if approved to coach by the Board.
All new Managers will draw remaining teams from a hat.
Article XIII: Player Draft
A returning player can return to the team they played for last year or re-enter the draft at the time of registration or before tryouts. If the returning players’ parent or legal guardian is approved by the board to become Manager of a new team, then the returning player will become a protected player on the new team. A returning player cannot become a protected player on another team as an Assistant Coach’s son or daughter.
A protected player is one who is named to a team in conjunction with his/her parent or legal guardian being named Manager or Assistant Coach of that team. Once designated a protected player, that player remains a protected player throughout his/her career in the Division. No team may have more than three protected players on its roster. The board may, in the best interest of the league, and by a majority vote, remove a player from protective status if the parent or legal guardian, for valid reason, can no longer manage or coach or the board chooses not to retain that manager or coach. If the board approves of the player being removed from protective status then that player becomes a returning player and can return to that team or reenter the draft. He cannot become a protected player on another team.
A Manager may present to the Executive Board a player other than a legal dependent for protected status (example: A Manager or Coach does not have a son or daughter in the League but would like to be involved in coaching with a nephew, etc.)
Protected players and returning players do not have to tryout. These players will be identified before tryouts.
A player has the right to deny one manager if that player has registered during the regular open registration period.
The draft order will be based on the teams overall win-loss record of the previous year. The last place team will draft first in every round, the second to last place team will draft second in every round and so on to the first place team drafting last in every round. In the event that two or more teams have equal records, the team’s head to head record will determine the order of the draft. If they are still equal a coin flip or draw will determine the order of draft.
In the event the previous season’s win-loss records cannot be verified for any division; the current season draft order will be determined by picking from a hat.
The Prep division will be drafting an entire team. Thus, drawing numbers will determine the order of the draft. The draft order will alternate, i.e.: 1 through 10 in the first round and 10 through 1 in the second round. (THIS IS IN THE EVENT THAT THERE IS ENOUGH 13-YEAR-OLDS TO FORM A PREP DIVISION).
If there are more teams in the New Year than existed in the previous year, the new teams will go to the top of the drafting order. Any existing team (meaning a team in the previous year’s league) that has NO returning players will be treated as a new team and placed at the top of the drafting order with other new teams for that year. They will determine the draft order of the new teams by picking out of a hat. The hat pick will be done at the Draft.
The draft will be an “open” draft in which managers may select any player in the draft when said team is “on the clock”. Draft rounds are as follows: 1st round-open, 2nd round-Managers son/daughter (protected player), 3rd-4th round-Assistant Coach’s son/daughter (protected player), any returning players will fill in the next rounds, finally, any remaining open rounds.
The team composition at the completion of the draft for all teams within all Divisions within the Cal Ripken Division (7-12) shall be no less than 4 Players from each age group represented in said Division, with a maximum of 8 players per age group.
The team composition at the completion of the draft for all teams within the Babe Ruth Senior Division (13-15) shall include a minimum of three (3) 13-year-old players, and no more than five (5) 15-year-old players.
In the event that a team’s returning players exceeds the number of players allowed in an age group, in a given year. All returning players on that team will be allowed to remain on that team’s roster.
The League President will make exceptions only if there are not enough players of any certain age to fulfill this requirement.
Draft positions of players who miss tryouts will be determined before the draft. Players who miss the tryouts will be drawn out of a hat during the said specified round. Under no circumstances can a player who has missed the tryout be selected any other way than a blind draw. If more than one round is needed, then the rounds will be successive until all said players are drafted.
The drafting of brother(s)/sister(s) combinations will fall into one of three categories.
If a brother/sister combination exists due to a player being drafted on the team during the current draft, then the remaining brother(s)/sister(s) must be taken in the next successive rounds until that combination is completely drafted.
If a brother(s)/sister(s) combination exists due to a player returning to a team, the draft selection would as follows:
The brother(s)/sister(s) must be selected by the end of the fifth round or the last draft choice, whichever comes first. All brother(s)/sister(s) combinations must be taken by the end of the fifth round. This will be an automatic selection. The manager does not have an option. This means the two brother(s)/sister(s) must be selected in the fourth and fifth rounds.
Because of this bylaw the brother(s)/sister(s) will not have to tryout.
If the brother(s)/sister(s) in question is 13 years old and wants to play up with the 14-15 year old division, he/she must attend tryouts. If he/she does not, he/she will automatically be selected by the end of the fifth round by the manager who has the rights to him/her or placed in the prep program. (ONLY PERTAINS IF THE LEAGUE HAS A 13 YR PREP DIVISION).
If brother(s)/sister(s) request to enter the draft as “non-brother(s)/sister(s),” they will be treated as any other player entering the draft. They will be drafted separately in any available round.
In the event this confuses the manager/assistant coach selection (protected players) or there are more than one brother/sister combination on a team, then allowance will be granted to the next available round.
There will be a pre-determined round established for any brother/sister combinations that are still open. This will be the same round as the players that missed the tryouts. This round or rounds will give the manager two choices: blindly draw a player who missed tryouts or pick a brother/sister combination.
In the event the Major Division has more than ten teams, the division will split into two leagues: American and National. If this occurs, draft order will be determined by coin flip.
In the event the Minor Division or Pee Wee Division has more than ten teams, the division will split into two leagues: American and National. If this occurs, both leagues will draft at the same time. The two last place teams will draw for first and second pick. Winner of the first pick (American or National) will take the odd number picks and the second pick will take the even number picks in sequence of win-loss record of the previous year.
The League President will do the Rookie Division draft.
All selections in the draft are final. Fifteen minutes will be allowed to all mangers to do any trading after the draft. All managers must be present. Trades have to be approved by the League Presidents. No trading will be allowed after the draft meeting ends.
Article XIV: Player Replacement
A player who moves from the league, quits, or is out for the season due to injury will be replaced within two weeks by one of the following methods.
League President may select a player from the waiting list of players not yet assigned to a team.
A player has the option to accept (with parent/legal guardian approval) an offer to move up, or remain with the same team. If he chooses to move up, the American League Manager is given a replacement from the waiting list of non-rostered players. If a waiting list does not exist, the American League Manager will take the next player to register in the league. If no waiting list exist and no American League player chooses to move up, the National League Manager must take the next player to register in the league or the National Manager may request a player from the American League and must be coordinated with the League President. If no new player registers, no replacement is required. No player will be replaced the last two weeks of the season without approval of the board. The League President will coordinate player replacements.
If a player is injured and out for the season he/she may be replaced as outlined above. If the injured player can return the following year, he/she retains his/her status as a returning rostered player. If the injury is temporary and the player can return during the season, he/she will not be replaced. Replacement players must reenter the draft the following year if they are otherwise eligible to play. However, the National Managers retain the first round draft options on replacement players.
Major National Managers may call up a player from the Major American League in the event he/she cannot field nine players for a particular game. The call up player may not pitch. If during the course of the game a regular player arrives, the call up player becomes ineligible to continue and the regular player must take his/her place. Managers will not discourage players from attending games in order to call up players, nor may he use a call up player as a form of disciplinary action for a regular player. Indications that this is occurring may result in a loss of game.
The Senior Division can call up players from the Prep Division as described in #3.
The Prep Division can call up players from the Major Division as described in #3.
In the event there is only one league in the Major Division, the Major Division can call up players from the Minor Division as described in #3.
To avoid a forfeit or rescheduling a game, a manager can play with eight players. However, an automatic out is taken in the 9th position of the batting order.
Article XV: Rescheduled Games and Game Duration
Games canceled due to bad weather or bad field conditions will be rescheduled as soon as possible. The League Presidents are responsible for rescheduling the games and must coordinate the rescheduled games with the Umpire-in-Chief.
Managers and coaches cannot cancel or reschedule games. The League President, VP or Umpire in-Chief have the only authority to cancel and reschedule games.
All games on the schedule will count as League games and will figure into the final standings.
In the event of the same win and loss record, the following order will be used as the tie breaker system:
If time and a playing field are available; a one game playoff will be used to break a tie. The Playoff game will NOT figure into the Standings. It is ONLY to break the tie between the tied teams. The League President will schedule these games, if they are necessary.
If a playoff cannot be done then the head to head record will break the tie.
If a tie still exists, then the point spread head to head will break the tie.
Any game reaching the given time limits and is at the end of an inning regardless of the number of innings played will constitute a complete game. The length of a complete game will be as follows:
Senior Division: 7 innings or no new inning after 2 hours and 15 minutes
Prep Division: 7 innings or no new inning after 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Major Division: 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Minor Division: 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 25 minutes.
Pee Wee Division: 4 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Rookie Division: 2 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Any game called before four complete innings or 3 ½ innings if the home team has the lead due to bad weather or darkness will be stopped and resumed at a later date as soon as possible.
The game will be resumed from the suspended point. Games tied at the end of regulation play and extra innings cannot be played due to a following game being scheduled on that field will be recorded as a tie. They will only be completed as deemed by the League President.
Any game called due to bad weather or darkness which has reached the allotted time limit, regardless of the number of innings played or completed, shall revert back to the last completed inning and shall be deemed a complete game.
Games that end in a tie score, and are deemed a complete game, will be recorded as a tie game. A tie game shall count in the standings as a ½ game win only.
Article XVI: Player Participation/Minimum Playing Time
Every player on the coach’s official roster must be listed on every lineup card for every game. If there are players who are injured, sick, suspended, or who cannot play for ANY REASON, it must be noted on the official lineup for that game in both scorebooks. Each player on the lineup card must play a minimum of two innings (six defensive outs) and bat at least once per game. If they don’t, they must start the next game and satisfy their minimum playing time for the first game and minimum playing time for the current game before he/she can be substituted. Violation of this rule will result in a loss of the first mentioned game. If that game was a loss, you will lose the closest previous win; if there are no previous wins then the next game you win will be a loss.
If a player misses extensive practices it will result in loss of playing time unless, the parent/player can provide a valid reason upon review of the league coach and board.
If a player is injured and cannot play six defensive outs, he/she may not enter the line up as a “batter only”. This must be noted in the scorebook. If an injury does occur, and the player does not meet the required playing time due to this injury, the player will not have to satisfy the missed time as explained in #1 of the next game.
Article XVII: Pitch Count Limits
Any player on a team may pitch. There is no limit to the number of pitchers a team may use in a game.
The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position:
16-18 yr. old 105 pitches per day
13-15 yr. old 95 pitches per day
Major’s 85 pitches per day
Minor’s 75 pitches per day
Peewee’s 65 pitches per day
Exception: If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed in Regulation XVII (3) for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: 1. that batter reaches base; 2. That batter is put out; 3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning.
Manager must ensure pitchers adhere to the following rest periods.
Daily Max (Pitches in Game)
Required Rest (Pitches)
0 Days
1 Days
2 Days
3 Days
4 Days
Each game in which a pitcher pitches is considered one “assignment”. Therefore a pitcher in the same game may start out as a pitcher, play another position, and return to the mound and this would still be considered as one assignment.
Each team must designate one person as the official pitch count recorder. The pitch count recorder must provide the current pitch count for any pitcher when requested by either manager or any umpire. However, the manager is responsible for knowing when his/her pitcher must be removed.
Violation of any section of this regulation can result in protest of the game in which it occurs. Protest shall be made in accordance with Article XIX: Protest
Multiple violations in which teams are found to be violating any of the rules in Article XVII Pitch Count Limits will result in a possible suspension for Team Managers. Egregious violation may result in forfeit of game in which violation occurred, if game is won, or in next game won.
Article XVIII: Pee Wee and Rookie Division
The Pee Wee Division will play under the following format:
If a batter walks he/she can go to first base only. The Coach will announce to the opposing team when the last batter is coming up to bat. The inning is over after the eighth run, ninth batter, or three outs, whichever comes first.
Every player must bat during the game whether they are in the lineup or not.
Open substitution, except for the pitcher, is allowed.
A courtesy runner will be allowed for an injured base runner.
One extra infielder and two extra out fielders will be allowed on the field. No more than twelve players will be permitted on the field at one time.
The Rookie Division will play under the following format:
All players on the roster bat in roster order. Coach will announce to the opposing team when the last batter is coming up to bat. The inning is over after all players on the roster have batted once. Every player will bat once per inning.
All players will play in the field. Note: It is highly recommended that coaches rotate positions throughout each game.
A courtesy runner will be allowed for an injured base runner.
Pitching will be done by the coaches. 5 pitches will be allowed per batter. The coach has the option to use the batting tee after the fifth pitch.
When the team is on defense, that coach or assistant coach will serve as the umpire.
No score or win and loss records will be kept for the Rookie Division.
Article XIX: Protest
When a manager feels that an umpire’s decision is in violation of Babe Ruth League Inc. and/ or local league rules, he/she may protest the game. However, no protests are allowed for judgment calls.
Before the next pitch is thrown, the manager must inform the umpire and the opposing manager that the game is being finished under protest. This must be noted in the official scorebook. Home team’s scorebook will be the official score book if there is no Official scorekeeper.
The manager must then notify the League President, in writing, within 24 hours of the protest. A fee of $25.00 must be paid at the time of notification of protest to the league President.
The League President with the appropriate members of the board will determine the validity of the protest. If the protest is valid, the board will be convened within 10 days to rule on the protest. If the board determines that the outcome of the game would not have changed had the questionable call not been made, the game will stand. However, if the outcome could have possibly been different then the game will be replayed from the point of the protest or the game will be replayed as determined by the board.
If the protest is won, the $25.00 will be refunded. If the protest is lost, the $25.00 is forfeited to the local league.
Article XX: Ejection and Suspension
Any ejected/removed person whom refuses to exit the park may be liable to prosecution.
Fighting or abusive language of any kind on or off the playing field, or anywhere around the Baseball Park involving a manager, coach, or player during or after a game will result in an automatic ejection of that game and automatic suspension of the next two games.
A 2nd ejection due to fighting or abusive language will cause an automatic suspension from all Hunter Cyprus baseball activity for the remainder of the season. Including all post season activities.
Any suspended manager, coach, or player will receive the date of suspension and penalty in writing.
Any manager, coach, or player ejected from the game from an umpire for anything other than fighting or abusive language will be automatically suspended for the next game. However, the ejected individual may appeal the ejection to the League President. If ejected individual is going to appeal, it must be done within 24 hours in writing to the League President. A $25.00 appeal fee must accompany the written appeal. If an appeal is made, the suspension of the next game will be put on hold until the Executive Board reviews the appeal. If the appeal is granted, no suspension will be enforced and the $25.00 appeal fee will be refunded. If the appeal is denied, the next game played will be the game the suspension will be served and $25.00 appeal fee is forfeited to the local league. The Executive Board will provide a judgment, in writing, within 72 hours after the appeal is received.
A manager or coach who suspends a player for disciplinary reasons must notify the League President, in writing, before such a suspension can occur. In the event the player is benched during a game for disciplinary reasons, the League President must be notified immediately after the game.
The League President will contact the parent/legal guardian of the suspended player to be sure the suspension is justified.
Article XXI: All-Stars
President, Vice-President and Commissioners will select All-Star Manager(s) through a vote.
The manager will choose the coaches from the managers and coaches within his/her Division.
The League President will conduct the selection process for the tryouts and oversee the voting process by the league coaches.
The first 10 All-Star players will be chosen through a season long selection process. Manager will be issued an All-Star card in which they will nominate 2 players from the apposing team during regular season games. The All-Star card must be turned in at the end of each game. All-Star players will then be chosen by tallying the total number of nominating votes recorded throughout the season.
The All-Star Manager can then select 2-5 players to complete the team. Coaches cannot vote for a player that played on his/her team during regular league play.
A charge of up to $150.00 per player will be charged for each All-Star team. This will be used to defray the costs of All-Stars. The money may come from the players or from a company donation. The All-Star Manager is responsible for collection and must submit said money to the Treasurer prior to the start of the All-Star tournament.
Any player that moves up and plays in an older league may try out for the All-Star team that is in his/her age bracket. If the player is chosen to try out for the All-Star team in the older league, then the player must decide which team he/she wants to try out for. The player cannot tryout for both teams.
Article XXII: Miscellaneous Rules
8 runs per ½ inning max in all Cal Ripken divisions excluding Rookie.
More than 8 runs will be allowed if the runs are a result of the completion of a live play. Example: Bottom of the 1st inning, home team winning 6-0; 2 outs, bases loaded. Batter hits a triple and three runs score, batter/runner is held at 3rd base. Score is now 9-0, inning is over.
A game will be terminated, once becoming a regulation game, if one team is ahead by 10 or more runs and has had equal time at bat or the home team is leading.
No alcohol or tobacco is to be used in or near the league games or practices by managers, coaches, or players.
With regards to sliding, there will be no malicious contact at any base. Malicious contact will result in the Offensive Player being called out on the play and ejected from the game. (As stated in the rule book under special rules and regulations: Contact Rule)
Head first sliding will NOT be allowed in Minor, Peewee or Rookie division. Any purposeful head first slide will result in the runner being called out.
Head first sliding will only be allowed in the Major Division upon return to a base from a distance of not more than ½ ways to the proceeding base. Example: A runner on 2nd attempts to steal 3rd base and becomes caught in a run down. On the initial try to steal, the runner crosses the ½ way point between bases, the runner is then able to return to 2nd base by safely sliding head first. The runner will be called out.
*The point of this rule is to avoid head first slides at runners “full Speed”, thus reducing the risk of serious injury to the head, neck and spine.*
Home Team Score book will be “Official Scorebook”. Both Managers must sign the official score book following each game.
This rule refers to a Babe Ruth Rulebook option under 0.08 “Local League Options”, “Extra Hitter”, and approx. Page 20. Any Babe Ruth, Major, or Minor Coach may elect to add a tenth hitter to the batting order. This player will be indicated in the lineup as the “EH”. The “EH” will be treated as any other starter. If one team elects to use the EH it is not binding that the opposing team also must use the EH.
Article XXIII: Amendments
1. According to Article X, lines 3, 4, and 5 the Board has the ability to amend a bylaw for clarification or legitimate requirement. As such, the Board submitted a request to have a change made to Article XV regarding game times and durations. The concern brought before the board was the length of time each games is taking and not having a "drop dead" rule in effect. Currently, the rules for game times are the number of innings played and the time limit for no new innings to start. Even with these time limits in effect, some 5:00 pm games are lasting much longer than the allotted time because of a inning taking longer than usual. When a 5:00pm game ends beyond the 6:30pm start time for the game to follow it, this 6:30pm game can run out of daylight and need to be called early. When the game is called for daylight, and has not reached 4 complete innings or 3 1/2 innings if the home team is ahead, it must be stopped and resumed at a later date. To alleviate this issue, the Board voted at a board meeting held on 4/23/2016 to have a "drop dead" time added to the bylaws for the Pee Wee, Minor, and Major divisions. This vote to have a "drop dead" time was a unanimous "yes" decision by all Board members. Starting on 4/25/2016, this new amended rule will go into effect for the above mentioned divisions. The times will go as follows:
- Major Division: 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hour
and 40 minutes - with a "drop dead" time of 1 hour and 55 minutes
- Minor
Division: 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 25 minutes- with a "drop dead" time of 1 hour and 40 minutes
- Pee
Wee Division: 4 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 20 minutes- with a "drop dead" time of 1 hour and 35 minutes
- If the "drop dead" rule is used because a game has reached the allotted time limit, regardless of the number of innings played or completed, the score shall revert back to the last completed inning and shall be deemed a complete game.