Game play:
7v7 Format
Two 35 minute halves with a 5 minute break between halves.
Goal kicks cannot be played in the air past half field.
No slide tackling.
No keeper punts.
Substitutions can be made on any dead ball.
All other rules of the game apply.
**This program will adhere to the procedures to limit possible spread of the coronavirus as provided to us by the state of Georgia. Before participating in this program, a list of the procedures used will be sent to each participant. Adherence to these procedures will be a requirement of participation. Players will be provided with a checklist to guide them in preparing to play. If there are any changes in the timeline of return to play we will update on the website and with an email**
Shin Guards are mandatory.
No metal studded cleats.
Jersey's must be purchased through the gear store. Both blue and red jersey's are required.