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S.A.Y. Sports-- Saginaw Athletics 4 Youth

2016-2017 Cheer Philosophy

Dear Parents and Cheerleaders,

*This program is for Girls kindergarten - 8th grade.  No experience is required.

Cheerleading is an exciting, fun, challenging and energetic SPORT.  Girls will learn teamwork, discipline, perseverence, coordination and cheers while building self-confidence and winning attitudes.  They will promote team and community spirit by working together making banners and participating in other fun projects and activities.  In developing these traits our girls will not only be successful in cheerleading, but also successful in life.

This program gives every girl who desires to be a cheerleader the ability / opportunity to do so.  Most of all we want every girl who participates to have a good learning experience in the sport of cheerleading along with developing her character and making new friends.



*Practices typically run from  3:30 pm to 5:00 pm

FOOTBALL (fall season):

*All squads practice Thursdays

*Some squads ALSO practice on Mondays, some on Tuesdays (these days are in addition to Thursdays until school begins)

*Practices are held at different location (may utilize a school's gym once weather becomes inclement or evenings get too dark)

BASKETBALL (winter season):

*ALL squads practice ONLY Thursday nights

*ALL squads practice from 6:15 to 7:30

*Practices will be held in various Saginaw Public area schools

*We will follow the S.A.Y. football and basketball schedules for games (typically Saturdays)

         **PLEASE NOTE: Special requests for squads will NOT be guaranteed.  Requests for particular practice nights need to be made at registration and cannot be guaranteed.**

Basic information for Fall (football) Cheer 2016 - 2017

Kindergarten - 5th grade

Practices for all squads - led by the PLHS Varsity cheerleaders - will be held Thursdays from 6:15 to 7:30 at Lakefront Park in Prior Lake.  Additional practice day will be held on EITHER Mondays or Tuesdays at the same time and in the same location.  Games will begin in September and will be anytime from 8:00 to noon on Saturdays, and an occasional weeknight (about 2-3 of these per squad). 


First practice (Kickoff night) is July 11th  place and time TBA

Middle School girls (6th - 8th grades)

Girls in this age range may elect to participate in ONLY the sideline squad OR the sideline AND competition squad (called the Gold Squad on the registration)  Girls may NOT select ONLY the competition squad.  

Sideline practices will be held  after school on Wednesdays.  Competition practices will be held Monday evenings - locations will vary based on availability.  Girls on the comp. squad will compete in at least 2 cheer competitions.  Girls at this level will have the opportunity to be an assistant coach for a younger squad if they so desire and the need is there.

First practice for the competition squad TBA

First practice for the sideline squad TBA

Contact Us

518 Thompson Apt #G-7 
Saginaw, Michigan 48607

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 989-397-0314
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