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Essex County League Divisions



Bam Bam ball is a great way to introduce baseball and softball in a fun way that children and families will enjoy and share memories for years to come. This league was designed to give the children, ages 3-4, an opportunity to get a feel for the game of baseball and softball. The main purpose of the Bam Bam League is to teach children to hit the ball, run the bases, become familiar with being on the field, and most of all to have FUN. Players use an oversized bat to hit a squishy ball off of a tee and run the bases. No score is kept. Every player hits in every inning.


Tee Ball Baseball is for boys and girls league age 5 and 6 who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. In Tee Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee. Rules of the game may be varied to accommodate the need for teaching. The primary goals of Tee Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. Tee Ball rosters may be composed of between 12 and 20 players, but most leagues have rosters in the 12-15 range. No live pitching is permitted in this division. Generally, the diamond used is a 60-foot diamond, but the league has the option to use a 50-foot diamond. 


Coach Pitch Division players shall be league age 7 and 8.  Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 20 players, but most leagues have rosters in the 12-15 range. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet.


Minor Division players shall be league age 8,9 and 10.  Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 20 players, but most leagues have rosters in the 12-15 range. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet. Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in this introduction level of Little League.  



Major Division players shall be league age 10,11 and 12.  The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet.  The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 10-12-year-olds from within this division, and the team may enter the International Tournament.  The culmination of the International Tournament is the Little League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the world. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.


INTERMEDIATE (50/70) BASEBALL DIVISION (not currently offered)

Intermediate Division Baseball players shall be league age 11 through 13.  The Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division was introduced in January, 2010 utilizes a 50-foot pitching distance and 70-foot base paths.  The division, which is new division of Little League Baseball in 2013 for players league-age 11-13 with postseason tournament opportunities, including a World Series, offers a transition for players between the standard Little League field size (46-foot pitching distance and 60-foot base paths) and the Junior/Senior/Big League field size (60-foot, 6-inch pitching distance and 90-foot base paths).  Many of the Junior League rules will be used such as runners being permitted to lead off bases, runners may attempt to steal at any time, and allowing an on-deck batter.  The culmination of the International Tournament is the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the world. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.



The Junior League Baseball Division is a program for boys and girls ages 12-14, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. Modified diamond dimensions may be used during the regular season.  The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 12-14-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Senior League Division), and the team may enter the International Tournament.  The culmination of the International Tournament is the Junior League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the world. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.



Senior Division players may be league age 13 through 16. If enough players ages 13 and 14 register to play, a Junior Division may be established to ensure an appropriate level of competition.  The Senior League Baseball Division is for boys and girls 13-16 years old, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 13-16-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Junior League or Big League divisions), and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament is the Senior League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the world. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International. 



Tee Ball Softball is for girls Tee Ball softball players shall be league age 4, 5, and 6 who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. In Tee Ball Softball, players hit a ball off a batting tee. Rules of the game may be varied to accommodate the need for teaching. The primary goals of Tee Ball Softball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of softball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. There is no minimum or maximum composition for Tee Ball rosters, but some leagues have found more success with smaller roster sizes to help keep all players engaged. No live pitching is permitted in this division. Generally, the diamond used is a 60-foot diamond, but the league has the option to use a 50-foot diamond.



Coach Pitch Division players shall be league age 7 and 8.  Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 20 players, but most leagues have rosters in the 12-15 range. The diamond has 60-foot base paths and a 35 foot pitching distance.



Minor Division players shall be league age 8,9  and 10. Competitive divisions of Minor League Softball may only use nine players on defense. The diamond has 60-foot base paths and a 35 foot pitching distance.



The Little League Softball division (sometimes known as the Major Division) is for players league age 10, 11 and 12. The field uses a 60-foot diamond and a 40 foot pitching distance. A. The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 10-12-year-olds from within this division, and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament is the Girls Little League Softball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.



The Junior League Softball division is a program for players ages 12-14, and uses a conventional 60-foot diamond with a 43 foot pitching distance. A local league may dual-roster 12-year-olds, assessed capable, to a Major and a Junior division softball teams. The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 12-14-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Girls Senior League Softball Division), and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament is the Junior League Softball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.



The Senior League Softball Division is for girls 13-16 years old, using a 60-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 43 feet. The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 13-16-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Junior League Softball or Big League Softball divisions), and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament is the Senior League Softball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.

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