Colorado Rush Members,
As we look back on 2020, it will be a year that was unlike any other. An unforeseen Pandemic that brought so much change and tested our resilience. Our World was brought to its knees. Every continent felt the full force of the COVID-19 virus. Many things were taken from us that we probably often took for granted. For our Colorado Rush players, soccer was certainly one of them.
With training being cancelled, the staff put hours and hours of time creating the Colorado Rush Virtual Learning Center (VLC). Here they provided individual training sessions, videos, podcasts, documentaries and much more, in an effort to continue their development when they were unable to train with their teams. Individual coaches met with their teams virtually, trying to keep them engaged and interacting with their teammates.
As time went on, restrictions were slowly lifted and Colorado managed to contain the spread of the virus to a point that by the summer, it was deemed safe to play outdoor sports. We were now able to train and play a Fall season. Recreational players were able to continue to play with their best friends and learn to love the game, some having never played before.
2020 also saw Colorado Rush hire two new incredible staff members. Former US Soccer employee, Megan McCormick, became the Girls Academy Director, as well as former LA Galaxy Southbay, Michael “Quig’s” Quigley, overseeing the Youth Division. With new staff also came new National Platforms for the Girls and Boys. The girls committed to the new Girls Academy League, which comprised 80% of former Girls Development Academy clubs. The Boys Academy entered the new USL Academy, a platform and pathway that now aligned with our USLII men’s team.
Competitive players and teams competed in the CSA leagues and some in the Desert Conference Regional League. We captured 6 Premier League titles with four of those teams going undefeated. Many teams had successful Centennial league seasons. Our Girls Academy teams competed Regionally in the Frontier Conference, still getting to travel, when other National leagues did not. We were able to host a virtual College Exposure camp where players got to compete against one another based on their graduation year and links to the games were sent to over 300 College coaches.
The club was also able to host its annual Coaches Appreciation Social, an event where all the Colorado Rush competitive coaches met at Wash park to receive coaching gear, play games, grill food and bond as a coaching staff. We were also able to host our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament. The club had 168 players register for the event. It brought together parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and family friends from every division within Colorado Rush.
Yes, looking back at 2020, it was a year unlike any other, but it did allow families to spend more time together. It allowed us time to realize what the most important things in life were and to not take them for granted. It was still a year filled with soccer, competing with teammates and as a club against others.
Looking back, Colorado Rush would like to thank you all for your efforts in following the COVID-19 club protocols and guidelines, which allowed us to keep the kids safe and on the field.
Here’s to 2021, let’s make it another one to remember both on and off the field.