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New Braunfels Little League

New Braunfels Little League

About Us


Little League Baseball is much more than just bats, balls, a field, dugouts, or any of the other dozens of physical items that go into baseball and softball.

It has become, over the years, a leadership program for both children and adults, with the aim of helping children to become good and decent citizens. Through the application of Little League Rules, Regulations and Policies, developed over decades of experience, Little League has become a beacon throughout the world.

Children learn the positive values of good sportsmanship, fair play and teamwork — values they can use throughout their lives. Adults involved as volunteers in a local league gain a sense of belonging in a community, and can convey their leadership qualities to today’s children so they will grow to be tomorrow’s leaders.

Any decision made by a Chartered Little League should be with both of these questions answered positively:

1. Is it in the best interests of the children of the community?

2. Will it bring credit to the Little League Program and to the community as a whole?

Note To Parents

NBLL is an all-volunteer organization. As such we require all teams to have adults operate the concession stands at least twice during the season, to provide adult score keepers when your child's team is the visitor, and adult pitch count keeper and score board operators for your child's home games. These are normal and minimal duties that you, as an NBLL parent, will be expected to perform.

Registering your child in the NBLL organization indicates your acceptance of the responsibilities that are expected of all NBLL parents. You are welcome and encouraged to attend NBLL meetings and get involved in the operation of your league!


New Braunfels Little League
3565 Loop 337 
New Braunfels, Texas 78130

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