VBLL’s Field 7, affectionately known as ‘The Sandlot,’ received a significant makeover and upgrade today by League volunteers in preparation for the start of the Spring 2023 season. While primarily used by VBLL’s Minor Farm Division, Field 7 is a multipurpose facility that has historically supported the League’s Tee Ball, Coach Pitch, Minor, and Intermediate baseball divisions, as well as VBLL’s softball program.

Phase I of the Field 7 renovation project focused on ‘leveling up’ the infield playing surface to improve player safety and field drainage. Volunteers spent the morning removing grass and dirt comprising the lip that separated the infield and outfield. Matthew Chadwick, Minor Farm Division Director, emphasized the importance of leveling this hazard because “the lip tends to act like a proverbial ski jump, whereby a hard hit ground ball can become airborne as it leaves the infield. The result has been both surprising and painful for young, developing outfielders.” By removing this hazard, the infield was was also extended by approximately six (6) feet to allow for base paths to shift in times where inclement weather leaves standing water in the backstop area and along the first and third base paths. Excess dirt was used to raise and further level the first base path and home plate area. Furthermore, the infield surface was tilled and graded with help from the team at Fowler’s Turf & Grading. Using state-of-the-art equipment, the hardened dirt was turned into a playable, safe surface for our baseball teams.
While work was being completed on the infield, a new shed was also being constructed behind the backstop for the purpose of storing maintenance equipment for Field 7. New fence will be installed to secure the maintenance shed, and a new gate - opening from inside the field to access the shed - will replace the existing backstop fence before the season begins.

Phase II of the Field 7 renovation project will focus on facility security and improved seating for games. Planned for later this year (2023), this phase will open up the visitor seating area by replacing and moving the 3rd baseline and left field fence line in by approximately 6-8 feet. This will allow for new bleachers to be placed along the 3rd baseline for visiting team fans. Additionally, the fence along the first baseline and right field will be replaced and moved in toward the field to allow for seating improvements to the home side. New fences will be taller as well to deter trespassing and vandalism to the dugouts, which according to Chadwick has been a consistent problem over the years.

“On behalf of VBLL and the Minor Farm program, I want to thank all the volunteers who pitched in today and helped improve the safety and overall baseball experience for our players” stated Chadwick. VBLL’s Minor Farm Division will host eight (8) teams for players league ages 7 and 8 this spring. For information on how you or your organization can sponsor one of our teams or support this or other renovation projects, please visit VBLL’s Sponsorship Website or contact us at [email protected].