Picture Schedule for Saturday, September 30. Please click here for the schedule.
League Photos will be at Central Sports Complex Baseball Diamond #5. If there is inclement weather, an alternative make-up date will be scheduled.
Softball Divisions: Your Picture Day will be on Saturday, October 14th to all for your replacement uniforms.
Olson Photography has online ordering and it will close on Friday,September 29 and you must bring a print out of the online order confirmation to picture day. Each Order Number must be given to the photographer on Saturday, please make sure your player has the hard copy print out. Hard Copy order forms will still be available on-site, but we encourage all families to utilize the online ordering option. If you have more than one player, an online order must be submitted for each player. Please use the link below, register for an account and use the League Access Code to place your online order.
Website: https://www.olsonphotography.com/
League Access Code: DEANF