GFBLL Fall Picture Day
GFBLL is excited to host our 2nd Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Fundraiser this Spring.
GFBLL Picture Day!
We are very excited about out our next spirit day with Chick-fil-A
GFBLL Chipotle Spirit Day - March 26th!
From 4 - 8 PM join us at Ledo Pizza in Warrenton to support our league!
Registration has closed for Spring 2024 season. Very limited opportunities remain open until Thursday 2/8 for the Softball Divisions.
All players in drafted divisions for Baseball & Softball need to attend. Sign up using the SignUp Genius: Also, we will be selling our old stock of MLB Uni...
Register today before late fees kick in at midnight 1/13!
Picture Schedule for Saturday, September 30! is at the bottom of this e-mail and available on our website.
GFBLL has partnered with Chick-fil-A Warrenton for a Spirit Night Tonight, August 22. Please make sure you stop by today and mention GFBLL when placing your order
GFBLL Fall, 2023 Hitting & Fielding Softball Clinic
GFBLL Spirit Wear Store is Live‼ GFBLL has partnered with SquadLocker to provide an amazing Spirit Wear Store 🤩
Fall Baseball and Softball player, coach and umpire registration is now open!
P.O. Box 861437 Warrenton, Virginia 20187
Email: [email protected]