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Clinton Youth Football Alliance

Clinton Youth Football Alliance

Parent's FAQ

Is football safe to play?

Football, as we know it, is changing. The way the game used to be taught and played is different from what’s happening today. Player protection and injury prevention are front and center, causing a major culture shift within the sport. Leagues across all levels are adopting new technology, regimes and regulations in an effort to reduce the risk of injury, as researchers continue to focus on the impact of sustained contact in youth sports.

To help parents better understand what’s changed, we’ve highlighted the key developments in football safety awareness. Click here to learn more.

When does registration open?

  • Typically our registration runs from mid June to mid August. Please connect with us on Facebook to keep up with updates.

What equipment do I need to play flag football?

  • Flag football flags and belt. Players wear belts with flags that hang along their sides and opponents have to pull the flags off of the ball-carrier’s belt. Every player receives an official NFL FLAG football belt and flag football flags from their coach when the season starts 
  • NFL FLAG team jersey. Every player also receives a team jersey upon registration.  
  • Shorts. It’s important to wear shorts that don’t have pockets. This allows the belt and flags to be visible at all times, avoiding unnecessary penalties. It also is a safety precaution so that fingers don’t get stuck when attempting to remove the flag.  
  • Mouthguard. This is the only protective gear that players wear. We recommend having a backup pair in your bag, just in case.  
  • Football cleats (optional). Metal cleats are not allowed in flag football.  
  • Football gloves (optional). Some players prefer to use football gloves, which give extra grip to help control the ball. These aren’t required, though. 

What kind of time commitment should I expect?

With most teams only practicing once per week, many families easily squeeze flag football into their packed schedules. Typically, teams practice for about 45 minutes on a day the coach chooses, and then the game itself is usually an hour or less and only once per week.


Clinton Youth Football Alliance
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