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Alexandria Youth League




This organization shall be known as the Alexandria Youth League Inc., hereafter referred to as the “Local League” or “AYL”. Officers and Board of Directors will be referred to as the “Local League Board”. 


The objective of the Local League is to implant the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for the well being of those concerned. It also will reflect on the children participating, the importance of being healthy and trustworthy citizens. 


  1. Said organization is organized exclusively for the charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 ( c) ( 3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. 

  2. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributions of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 ( c) ( 3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 ( c) ( 2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. 

  3. Upon dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 ( c) ( 3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. 


Any person who seeks active participation in the program for the purpose of helping the Local League pursue its objective is welcome to become a member. Alexandria Youth League, Inc. is a non-membership not-for-profit corporation that does not have formal membership.  The Alexandria Youth League, Inc. Board of Directors is legally obligated and responsible to maintain the organization's status as not-for-profit with federal and state government agencies.  Due to this legal obligation and responsibility, all decisions and voting rights toward the existence and direction of Alexandria Youth League, Inc. are made by the Board of Directors only.


  1. Players – any candidate meeting the requirements of the Local League rules.

League Divisions

Boys - Eligible ages by April 30th

Girls - Eligible ages by January 1st


Coaches Pitch











  1. Regular members – any person, in good standing, wishing to actively attain the objectives of the Local League.  The player agent will have an active list of the members of the Local League.

    1. All-Star coaches will be selected by the Board of Directors during the first meeting in June.

    2. All head coaches and league directors may nominate a coach in their league to coach a certain age group.  The Board of Directors will take this nomination into consideration while selecting the All-Star coach.


The fees will be determined yearly based on the needs of the Local League. 


a) Annual meeting – this meeting will be for the purpose of electing officers for the next year. 

b) Organizational meetings – these shall be conducted at the discretion of the officers and/or board members. 

c) Draft meeting – this meeting will be for the purpose of drafting players into the Local League. It will be held after the registration of all candidates interested in joining the Local League. 

d) Notice of meetings – shall be placed in view of the total members at least two weeks prior to the called meeting. 

e) Special meetings – can be called for any reason, but discussion will be limited to the subject of the special meeting being called. A special meeting can be called only by Officers of the Local League. 



All affairs and management of the Local League will be in the hands of the Local League Board. The membership of the Board of Directors will consist of at least five (5) members, but no more than eleven (11). They shall assume office by September 30th of the current year. If any vacancies occur midterm then, it shall be the responsibility of the president to fill the vacancy as soon as possible. The board shall be kept at an uneven number to avoid a tie vote.  Each term is three (3) years.  After the third year, the member must be voted back onto the Board of Directors.  Vote is conducted by the Current Board Members.

Board members must be present for a minimum of 75% of scheduled board meetings.  Excused absences will not count as a missed meeting as long as notice is given to the entire board prior to the scheduled meeting.  A board member not maintaining the minimum attendance rate will be eligible for dismissal by vote of the remaining board members that maintain the minimum attendance rate.


The officers of the Local League shall be as follows: 

1) President 

2) Vice President 

3) Treasurer 

4) Secretary 

5) Player Agent


The appointed duties of the officers shall be as follows: 


1) conduct affairs of the Local League and set policies with the cooperation of the board of directors; 

2) be responsible for the conduct of the Local League; 

3) shall be the chairperson in selecting the money making projects for the Local League; 

4) investigate any and all irregularities detrimental to the Local League; 

5) with the player agent, decide eligibility of players. 


1) assist the president as called upon and take over in the absence of the president or secretary; 

2) shall take responsibility for uniforms, equipment, and complete background checks. 


1) receive all money receipts and bills of the Local League; 

2) deposit same in the bank; 

3) keep record of all money transactions. 


1) keep a record of all meetings; 

2) shall keep the members informed of all meetings (open); 

3) will take the Vice President’s place in their absence 


1) shall take responsibility for scheduling and rescheduling of all games; 

2) help president determine if a player is eligible; 

3) help conduct the draft with the League Directors;

4) schedule umpires with the League Directors


All MANAGERS, COACHES, SCOREKEEPER AND UMPIRES shall be reviewed and approved by the Local League Board. Their character must be of high quality to the reflection they will cast upon the players. No manager or coach shall be replaced except by the approval of the Local League Board. If the members of the Local League want a manager or coach replaced, it will be up to the discretion of the Local League Board following a special meeting. Only the Local League Board can dismiss an umpire. Only a manager or coach or assistant coach may be present on the playing field during a game. Only the above shall be allowed in the dugout during a game. The penalty for breaking this rule will be forfeiture of the game. Board members are allowed to coach or manage a team in their league. 

If a parent is a coach, manager, or assistant coach, their child will be allowed to play on whatever team the parent coaches; however, the child must be drafted by the agreed upon round of the open draft. 


Herein throughout this document, the INDIANA LIMITED CRIMINAL HISTORY AND SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY shall be referred to as "CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECK." 

All MANAGERS, COACHES, SCOREKEEPER AND UMPIRES before being considered for approval by the Local League Board, shall submit to a CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECK by the Indiana State Police Limited Criminal History Website as well and the Indiana Sheriff’s Association. Each person above shall consent in writing his or hers willingness to submit to said search. 

The contents of the CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECK shall be confidential and only viewed by the Local League Board. 

Each MANAGER, COACH, SCOREKEEPER AND UMPIRE'S CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECK shall be reviewed no later than fifteen (15) business days after the last day of player registration. 


No said MANAGER, SCOREKEEPER, COACH OR UMPIRE, here after referred to as applicant, shall not be permitted to engage, interact or represent ALEXANDRIA YOUTH LEAGUE if any of the following applies: (1) The applicant is a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER 

(2) The applicant is convicted of any Sex Crime as listed; 

(3) A criminal conviction of the applicant of any of the following: (A) a felony (4) A determination by the LOCAL LEAGUE BOARD that the applicant made false statements in the applicant's application. 


Any disqualified applicant shall be given the option to appeal his or her disqualification except and provided in subsection (A) 

(A) No applicant shall not be permitted to engage, interact or represent ALEXANDRIA YOUTH LEAGUE if the said person is convicted of any of the crimes listed below: 

(1) Murder (IC 35-42-1-1). (2) Causing suicide (IC 35-42-1-2). (3) Assisting suicide (IC 35-42-1-2.5). (4) Voluntary manslaughter (IC 35-42-1-3). (5) Reckless homicide (IC 35-42-1-5). (6) Battery (IC 35-42-2-1). (7) Domestic battery (IC 35-42-2-1.3). (8) Aggravated battery (IC 35-42-2-1.5). (9) Kidnapping (IC 35-42-3-2). (10) Criminal confinement (IC 35-42-3-3). 

(11) A felony sex offense under IC 35-42-4. (12) Carjacking (IC 35-42-5-2). (13) Arson (IC 35-43-1-1). (14) Incest (IC 35-46-1-3). (15) Neglect of a dependent (IC 35-46-1-4(a)(1) and IC 35-46-1-4(a)(2)). (16) Child selling (IC 35-46-1-4(d)). (17) A felony involving a weapon under IC 35-47 or IC 35-47.5. (18) A felony relating to controlled substances under IC 35-48-4. (19) An offense relating to material or a performance that is harmful to minors or obscene under IC 35-49-3. (20) A felony that is substantially equivalent to a felony listed in subdivisions (1) through (19) for which the conviction was entered in another state. The LOCAL LEAGUE BOARD may deny an applicant who has been convicted of a felony sex crimes or crimes against children. 

(c) In determining whether to grant a waiver the LOCAL LEAGUE BOARD shall consider the following factors: (1) The length of time that has passed since the disqualifying conviction. 

(2) The severity, nature, and circumstances of the offense. (3) Evidence of rehabilitation. (4) The duties and qualifications required for the proposed employment positions or volunteer assignment. (5) The nature and extent of unsupervised contact with children. 

(d) Upon determining the disqualification of any applicant, the LOCAL LEAGUE BOARD shall notify the applicant of the disqualification, by certified mail no more the ten (10) days after the final registration. 

(e) The disqualified applicant shall request in writing to the LOCAL LEAGUE PRESIDENT or VICE PRESIDENT his or her request for wavier not more than five (5) days upon receipt of certified disqualification. 

(f) It shall be the responsibility of the LOCAL LEAGUE PRESIDENT or VICE PRESIDENT to convene an hearing as soon as reasonably possible by not more than forty-eight (48) hours after receiving written request for wavier. 

(g) The LOCAL LEAGUE BOARD shall conduct a special meeting in accordance of the by-laws. The LOCAL LEAGUE BOARD shall consider evidence presented by the disqualified applicant and return a verbal conclusion of the verdict at the conclusion of the LOCAL LEAGUE BOARD MEETING and in by writing no less than ten (10) days after wavier hearing. 

(h) All decisions by the LOCAL LEAGUE BOARD shall be considered final. 


Coaches: If any of the following violations occur, any manager or coach of the Local League, will be suspended for the remainder of that game, plus the following game. During this time, there shall be no contact with their respective team during games. No exceptions. If more than one violation occurs at the same time or any violation on separate occasions, the Local League Board will review to decide the status of that person, for the remainder of the season, and will have the responsibility to issue discipline at their discretion. 

1) Any alcohol or illegal drug use, before and/or during any practices or games. 

2) Any fighting causing harm to another person or persons, before, during or after a practice or a game. 

3) Actions that result in the intimidation of players. 

4) Any foul or abusive language directed toward any player, umpire or the general public, before, during or after a game or practice. 

5) Any item being thrown that could cause harm (i.e. bats, clipboards or other playing equipment). These items are examples and this rule is not limited to these. 

Umpires: Any and all umpires will be subject to the same rules as stated above for coaches and managers. 

Alexandria Youth Players: Any player will be ejected from participating in their game for violating a first offense of the following rules. More than one violation at the same time or on a separate occasion will result in a review by the Local League Board on whether the player will be allowed to play out the remaining season. 

1) Any foul or abusive language used before, during, or after a game or practice. 

2) Any fighting causing harm to another person or persons, before, during or after a game or practice. 

3) Any illegal drug and/or alcohol use before or during a game or practice. 

Fans and General Public: Fans will automatically be ejected from the Alexandria Youth League Campus for unsportsmanlike conduct such as: Foul and abusive language directed toward another fan, the players, the umpire or the coaches. Any kind of illegal drugs and/or alcohol use before or during a game. More than one violation by the same fan will result in a season ban from the Alexandria Youth League Campus. Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct will result in ejection and possible suspension.


All players eligible to change leagues will try out for a team in the form of a draft. Players age nine (9) through twelve (12) can compete for the major league slots with the understanding that twelve (12) year old players will have the first right to vacancies on the major league roster. Players age eight (8) will be required to play one year of minor league (B) ball, which is pitching machine ball, with the exception of a shortage of minor league (A) players. A parent has the right to appear before the Local League Board and request their child not be moved into the next higher league. If for any reason a player is dropped or quits a team, then his/her place will be taken by a player from the minor league. The team’s coach will choose this player. This player will become a member of this team only for the game where there is a shortage of players. This player remains on the lower league team and the upper league team has no future rights to this player. This is a game by game, as needed situation. If a player is released from a team because of injury or illness, he returns to the same team when he returns to baseball. 

A draft round is not complete until all children in that age group has been drafted. 


All starting times, finishing times of games and/or the number of innings will be at the discretion of the home plate umpire. 

All major league games should start no later than 8:00 P.M – any later by exception only approved by an umpire or a Board member. 

No inning can start past 9:30 PM on school nights, unless a tie situation, then time shall be 9:45 PM. 

No inning can start past 10:30 P.M. on non-school nights. 

All games must end by 10:00 PM on school nights and 11:00 PM on non-school nights. 

In Minor A or B league weeknight games that are followed by other games, no inning will start past 7:00 PM on school nights and 7:15 P.M. on non-school nights, unless there is a tie situation, then there is a 2- hour time limit, BUT ONLY when they are followed by another game. Clock for Minor A & B League games shall be set at 1:45 only if it is followed by another game. No clock for Major games or the last game of the night, as long as game time regulations above are adhered to. ONLY when followed by another game, Clock for a Major game shall be set at 2:00. 

The scoreboard clock starts when the first pitch is thrown, as directed by the umpire. This clock continues to run until the time has expired, this clock does not get turned off. When it expires, the umpire shall refer to the Town and Country Rule Book pertaining to shortened games for any reason. This clock monitors the game length as it applies to the allotted time. This allows for all games to stay on time and provide equal time opportunities for all games. 

When the clock expires, finish current inning and no more shall be started. 


These Local League by-laws may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole or in part, only by a majority vote of the active Local League Board members, provided proper notice of changes are given in advance of the meeting.


Alexandria Youth League

PO Box 452 
Alexandria, Indiana 46001

Phone: 765-623-4905
Email: [email protected]

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