Lady Mules Softball Season Breakdown
The softball year runs August 1, 2025 through July 31, 2026! Our teams that plan to play the whole year together will form in late July or early August. All travel team tryouts will be held the end of July. Rec teams are welcome and encouraged to stay together for the entire year, playing the individual seasons together. Lady Mules Softball will also offer opportunities for rec teams to play individual seasons.
Fall Season
Registration will be completed in early July. Fall Season runs August through the end of October. Games consist of double-headers that are played on Sundays.
Spring Season -
Spring season only is community based and players must reside in Bedford School district. Players from surrounding areas can register and will be approved based on availability of programs in their district and approval from the league. Registration will be completed in February. Spring Season runs Mid March through the first week of May. Games consist of double-headers that are played on Sundays.
Summer Season
Registration will be completed in early April. Summer Season runs mid May through end of June. Games are played during the week. 10U & 12U play on Mondays and Wednesdays. 8U plays on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Your players age on January 1st determines their age for the softball year. Example: Player is 10 on January 1 , 2025. that player will play 10U until July of 2026.