Baseball and Softball sign-up are now open to register!! Double check to make sure you have the right jersey size and a Primary and Secondary number!
Great effort over the weekend by all three teams, and a HUGE win by our high school team beating Kingston!! Weather looks good for this weeks practice on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday starting at 6:00PM Make sure to d...
Little Blue Devils start their football season having a Bye weekend (no games) August 17th. Our first games will be August 24th at Wartburg High School starting with the Crickets at 9:00AM, followed by the Hoppers at 1...
Less than 2 weeks to get your little blue devil signed up for the 2024 Football and Cheer season!
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Dracks Track
Meadowview Ballfield
Flour Mill Flats Field 1
Flour Mill Flats Field 2
Flour Mill Flats Field 3
David Webb River Front Park Soccer Field
Flour Mill Pickleball Courts
Fred Davis Jr. - Triangle Park
Killeffer - Cumberland Park
Harriman High School
Harriman Parks and Recreation Charlie Jones Harriman, Tennessee 37748
Phone: 865-696-0505 Email: [email protected]