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Brea Little League

Brea Little League

Brea Little League offers eight divisions of play for boys and girls Little League ages 2 to 15.  The Tiny Boppers, T-Ball, Minor A & Single A divisions are non-competitive/instructional and teams are formed through player placements.  The  AA through JRS divisions are our competitive/instructional divisions and players are selected by manager drafts based on player ability after attending player evaluations.

LOWER DIVISIONS - Non-Competitive/Instruction based - developmental playing divisions with a focus on core skill development.  Game results are not recorded, nor are divisional standings kept.


- Beginner/Entry level baseball for young players
- Hits off Tee for the first half of the season then coach/parent pitch 
- All players play defense each inning
- Score is not kept/no standings
- Gain an understanding of the fundamental rules of baseball
- 50 ft Base Path Distance

T-BALL (4YR - 5YR)
- Beginner/Entry level baseball for young players
- Hits off Tee for the first half of the season then coach pitch 
- All players play defense each inning
- Score is not kept/no standings
- Gain an understanding of the fundamental rules of baseball
- 50 ft Base Path Distance

Minor A (6YR)
- Beginners division for league 
- Coach Pitch (If a player can not hit off the coach then a Tee can be used)
- Score is not kept/no standings
- All players play defense each inning
- Gain an understanding of the fundamental rules of baseball
- 50 ft Base Path Distance

- Coach Pitch Then Second half of season Kid Pitch
- Score is not kept/no standings 
- Continuous batting order utilized
- All players play defense each inning
- 60 ft Base Path Distance

UPPER DIVISIONS - Competitive baseball divisions that are officiated by an umpire where game results, player stats and divisional standings are kept.

- Introduction into Competitive baseball/Instruction based
- Player pitch
- Umpire assigned
- Scoring and Pitch Cards maintained 
- Continuous batting order utilized
- 9 players play defense each inning
- Must attend one try-out date
- 60 ft Base Path Distance

- Competitive/Instruction Play
- Final "minor league" division
- Player pitch
- Umpire(s) & scorekeeper assigned
- Scoring and Pitch Cards maintained 
- Continuous batting order utilized
- 9 players play defense each inning
- Must attend one try-out date
- 60 ft Base Path Distance

MAJORS (11YR - 12YR)
- Competitive/Instruction Play
- Umpire(s) & scorekeeper assigned
- Scoring and Pitch Cards maintained 
- 9 Player batting order with player substitutions
- Must attend one try-out date
- 60 ft Base Path Distance


- Competitive/Instruction Play
- Umpire(s) & scorekeeper assigned
- Full baseball rules (lead-off/steal, pick-off)
- 50 ft Pitching Distance / 70 ft Base Path Distance
- Scoring and Pitch Cards maintained 
- 9 Player batting order with player substitutions
- Must attend one try-out date

- Competitive/Instruction Play
- Umpire(s) & scorekeeper assigned
- Full baseball rules (lead-off/steal, pick-off)
- 60.5 ft Pitching Distance / 90 ft Base Path Distance
- Scoring and Pitch Cards maintained 
- 9 Player batting order with player substitutions
- Must attend one try-out date

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