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Ballard Soccer Club Est: 1997

Ballard Soccer Club Est: 1997

2025 Spring Rec

Welcome to the Spring 2025 registration for Ballard Soccer Club in Central Iowa.
  • More information will follow, but as to games: those are played on Saturday or Sunday between the 1st weekend in April through the First weekend in June. The 2nd weekend in June is the game make-up weekend. Practices will begin in the middle of March after Spring Break.
  • Your home game location will be either Slater, Kelley or Huxley depending on team placement. Away games are all played in Central Iowa.
  • Registration fees have slightly increased from last year but are the same as the Fall 2024 season.
  • Those volunteering to be a coach or assistant coach will receive a 100% refund for 1 (oldest) player. One head coach per team with preference given to the previous season's coach first. This discount will be given after the coach receives board approval for the season and thus cannot be applied at time of registration. Must pass a background check and online safety training to be a coach. The refund will be processed after the first week of games has been completed.
  • Uniform colors are red and white and if needed can be purchased from Soccer Master in Urbandale Iowa. The black shorts, socks, shin guards must be purchased separately. 
  • Uniforms and shin guards are required for all ages. Please see the "Uniforms" link at the top of for more information.
  • Please direct all questions to [email protected]
*TEAM PLACEMENT -- Players are placed on teams based on their submitted registration date. If a team is full, the player will be put on a waitlist in the order received. Past season team placement does not guarantee current team placement; however, every attempt will be made to maintain keep teams together. Exceptions include late registrations, incomplete or unpaid registrations. No guarantees are made for team placement.

*AGE GROUPS -- Team placement is based on birth year ("U" age per Iowa Soccer) & the club will try to keep players in the same grade level together when possible. Age groups are as follows: 7U/8U (4v4), 9U & 10U (7v7), 11U & 12U (9v9) and 13U & older (11v11).

*GENDER GROUPS -- A girl wishing to play on an all-girls team should sign up for the girls appropriate age group. If the club has enough players for that girls’ team, then it can be created for that age group. The same applies for an all-boys team labeled coed. A coed team may consist of all boys if the numbers allow for that age group AND the girls in the same age group have numbers to form a girls’ team. NO GUARANTEE is made for either, as player numbers fluctuate each season. Be aware, especially for tournaments, that a mix of boys and girls on a team will face teams of all boys in the same age group.

*VOLUNTEERS -- The Club relies on parent volunteers to coach, provide treats at the younger ages, team communication, or assist in other ways. The club will only be as strong as its members are willing to assist. Thank you in advance for your involvement in this capacity!

*FIELDS -- All teams can expect to play about half of their games away from Ballard.

*SCHOLARSHIPS -- Those needing financial assistance to pay for registration may do so by making a request to the Club at time of registration. Send requests to [email protected]

*BIRTHDATES -- All players must provide proof of age via a copy of their birth certificate at time of registration.

Register Now!


Ballard Soccer Club
PO Box 325 
Slater, Iowa 50244

Email: [email protected]

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