Head Coach | Leads a team of players and coaches. |
Assistant Coach | Helps the Head Coach with running the team during activities like practices and games. |
Team Parent | Coordinates team activities like the team photo, after-game snacks, and concession stand responsibilities. |
Concessions | Sell food and beverages in the concession stand, handling transactions, and providing friendly customer service during events. |
Umpire | Officiate a game either behind the plate or in the field. May require attendance at a training session, depending on prior experience. |
Adopt-a-Field | Coordinate upkeep of a specific field. Includes weeding and filling of spots in basepaths, pitcher area, bullpens, and batters boxes. |
Help with Facilities/Maintenance
| Assist with repairs and maintenance projects around the league grounds. Thisalso includes mowing the fields and open areas, which must be done weekly, especially during the season. |
Board Member | Commit to supporting the Little League by volunteering for a board position. |
To volunteer, register in the online system and indicate how you would like to help.
If you have other ideas of how you can be involved to help the league, let one of the Board members know!