Competitive Recreation - Girls LL ages 9-12
(9's please have prior experience, otherwise we do recommend the Mixed Minors division)
- Equipment needed: cleats, softball glove, grey softball pants
- Optional equipment: softball helmet w/ face cage, softball bat (max size of 33" w/ 2 1/4" barrel & 1.20 BPF)
- Player pitch
- Practices & home games will typically be held in either Pembroke or Allenstown
- Away games will be scheduled with other programs & some travel will be required
- Faster paced games w/ instructional practices to meet the needs of each individual player, further developing their skills & confidence (We understand that during the beginning stages of our new program there will also be many first timers coming out to play. You are welcomed with open arms. Come learn how to play a great game & get to know what it's like to be a part of a team!
- Evaluations will be held March 9th