Lakeshore Little League Sponsorship
Thank you for your interest in supporting Lakeshore Little League! As a new league, we have a lot of work to do, and we are excited about the opportunities to improve our fields, provide better equipment for our players, and grow our community. Thanks to a generous $10,000 commitment from Crockery Township, we have already made significant progress in top dressing the fields with diamond dust, and several of our members have contributed by purchasing new bases and a home plate. Your sponsorship, contribution, or volunteer efforts will help us continue this momentum and make this season even better. Please complete the form below to select your sponsorship package and help us make this season a success!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please check the sponsorship tier you are interested in:
Portable Pitching Mounds
True Pitch 4” Premium - $1,399
True Pitch 4" 202-4 Portable Pitching Mound
Portolite 4” Economy - $499
PortoLite 4" Youth Economy Portable Pitching Mound
6” Full Size - $1,999
6" Youth League Portable Pitching Mound - Full Size
Pitching Machines
Diamond Sponsor - $5,000
Includes special recognition on the field, website, and event materials
Platinum Sponsor - $1,000
Banner upgrade to 3x6 on both fields and personalized logo on team uniforms of your choice
Includes the following benefits to support our players and team development:
Gold Sponsor - $500
Name on Gold Sponsor Banner
Silver Sponsor - $350
Name on Silver Sponsor Banner
Bronze Sponsor - $250
Name on Bronze Sponsor Banner
Field & Facility Sponsorships
Backstop Sponsor:
Outfield Fence Sponsor:
Dugout Sponsor:
Base Sponsor:
Sponsorship/Contribution Details
Please fill in the details below to confirm your sponsorship:
Name/Organization Name:
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Preferred Sponsorship Tier (Check all that apply):
☐ Portable Pitching Mounds
☐ Pitching Machines
☐ Diamond Sponsor
☐ Team Platinum Sponsor
☐ Team Gold Sponsor
☐ Team Silver Sponsor
☐ Team Bronze Sponsor
☐ Backstop Sponsor
☐ Outfield Fence Sponsor
☐ Dugout Sponsor
☐ Base Sponsor
Amount Contributed:
Additional Notes/Requests (e.g., logo submission for uniforms, special recognition):
Payment Information
Please select your preferred payment method:
☐ Check (Payable to Lakeshore Little League)
☐ Credit Card (Please contact us for payment processing)
☐ Online Payment (Link to payment platform will be provided)
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are also interested in volunteering your time or resources, please indicate below:
☐ I would like to volunteer my time for fieldwork or other tasks.
☐ I can provide additional resources or materials.
Thank you for your support! Together, we can help Lakeshore Little League grow and provide a positive environment for all of our young athletes. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or for additional information.