Sep, 2017
The Robert A. McKay Family Benefit Fund was founded to help families with the cost of their children participating in the Crestwood Soccer Club.
The award will benefit one child from each of CSC's Divisions; (Widget, Pee-Wee, Junior and Senior) 4 children total per regular club season.
The benefit fund will reimburse the registration fees and also provide a $50.00 gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods. The gift card is to be used only for the purchase of equipment necessary to practice and play with Crestwood Soccer Club.
- May 15th - Application Deadline
- June 1st - Award letters and Reimbursement Checks Mailed
- July 15th - $50.00 Dick's Sporting Goods Gift Cards Mailed
(Since the Village of Crestwood is reimbursing for registration fees in beginning in 2016, this benefit will only be available to non-residents of the Village of Crestwood)
(Note: Award recipients will not be published or promoted in any way. All recipients will be chosen by the McKay Family with final approval by the Crestwood Soccer Club Board.)