In 2007, the West Carroll competitive cheer program was formed as a result of four volunteer recreational cheerleading coaches’ wanting to offer more. Their vision was to create affordable competitive cheer options for youth involved in recreation programs. Their commitment to the vision launched the Rebels Xtreme competitive cheer program. Rebels Xtreme squads offer youth cheerleaders access to all-star quality competitive routines without having to endure the costs typically associated with all-star competitive cheer programs. Rebels Xtreme and West Carroll Veterans sideline cheer programs combined, offer youth cheerleaders a recreational option to perform traditional cheer, dance, tumbling, stunting and competitive routines in state and national cheer competitions as well as prepare for future cheer and spirit opportunities typically offered in high school.
As a result of the relationship and merging of the Rebels Xtreme and West Carroll Veterans programs, West Carroll Cheer emerged and became a sponsored program, through the West Carroll Recreation Council. As an affiliated program, West Carroll Cheer is sponsored by the West Carroll  Recreation Council, but has its own elected leadership board with written guidelines and procedures in addition to (but not conflicting with) what the recreation council includes in its own by-laws. This relationship also affiliates West Carroll Cheer to Carroll County Recreation and Parks and requires compliance with polices and guidelines established by the Department of Recreation and Parks.