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New Braunfels Little League

New Braunfels Little League

News Detail


May, 2020

Requesting COVID credit for Spring 2020

To Parents/Guardians/Players:

Below are the instructions for the 2020 Spring Baseball/Softball Season credit ($40 Credit up to $80 for 2 or more players) to be applied to your next season. New Braunfels Little League is a Non-Profit organization who receives NO financial assistance from the City of New Braunfels or Comal County and pays no salary to any board member. In addition, NBLL has NO benefactor for the league and is not eligible for any federal stimulus financial support.

Through fundraising efforts such as Wurstfest, the Comal County Fair, and Fun Day as well as sponsorships, we are able to reduceregistration fees by at least $100 per player. This means that fees are $100-$125 per player or up to $250 per family per season, which allows NBLL to be one of the most affordable Little Leagues in the area. Unfortunately, with the Wurstfest Fire, the League is having to spend another $60,000 to rebuild the Pork Chop Booth so we can continue to raise funds to reduce the participation cost for families. This is one of many reasons that NBLL is unable to offer a larger credit for a season cut short due to the world-wide pandemic (COVID-19).

One of the financial challenges we face is that the majority of our costs are front loaded in the first three months of the year. The current YTD costs of running the league (not including the Wurstfest Fire equipment replacement) have totaled approximately $160,000 including uniforms, utilities, maintenance, umpires, official game balls, and equipment.  

League revenue, including registration fees, have given us gross income of $192,000 against costs of $160,000 leaving a net balance of $32,000. The $32,000 of net income divided by 1564 players is only a current surplus of $20.46 per player. 

To reiterate, NBLL is a fully Non-Profit Organization (501(c)(3)) with no other way to replace the funds that were already spent, therefore, the Executive Board has agreed that a $40 Credit (up to $80 for 2 or more players) is the best way to maximize the value to each family given the financial constraints the League is facing. 

For those families that have participated in Little League in prior years, please consider all of the wonderful times and memories you have to look back on. For those new to the League we ask that you trust that everything we are doing is in anticipation of us being able to come back stronger next season.

If you wish to receive this credit, please visit, log-In and click “Spring 2020 Covid-19 Credit” by 10:00 PM Monday, June 1, 2020. Otherwise, your 2020 registration will be deemed a donation to New Braunfels Little League and it is very much appreciated. If you are wanting to donate your fees, there is no further action needed on your part to do so.  We thank you for participating in New Braunfels Little League and hope to see you back next season.



NBLL Executive Board


New Braunfels Little League
3565 Loop 337 
New Braunfels, Texas 78130

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