Buckeye Premier Instructions:
Notification Of The Need To Reschedule must be requested of the League President not less than ten (10) days prior to the date the match was scheduled. Example: It the match is to be played on Saturday the 16th, the request to reschedule must be submitted by the 6th. The Buckeye League requires that all reschedule requests be done through their website. You must first use the link below to begin the process and then move forward through the request by entering the game # listed in the league schedule. Buckeye Reschedule Request
The only reasons Buckeye will consider rescheduling a match is the for the following reasons.
The match is a “direct” conflict with State ODP Tryouts. For reasons outside the team and league control, State ODP Tryout Schedules are sometimes changed. A team must have 4 or more players with mandatory ODP participation in State Tryouts. This does not apply to District ODP Tryouts.
A “catastrophic” event occurs within a team’s immediate family. The degree of the catastrophic event will be determined by the League’s President.
Inclement Weather – Field Closing. In the event that inclement weather, fields may be closed for play.
Inclement Weather – Match Termination. Matches terminated during the first half of play must be played again from the beginning. Matches terminated after the first half of play will not be rescheduled.
Playing Surface Unsafe. On the day of a scheduled match, a referee may declare a field unplayable/unsafe before kickoff.
Pre-Play. Teams may mutually agree to “pre-play” a scheduled match prior to the date the match was originally scheduled.
State Cup Qualifier Conflict. Due to various reason (weather, etc), a team may have to play a State CUP Qualifying Match on a date that is in direct conflict with a previously scheduled BPYSL match. This is usually caused by the State CUP match having to be re-scheduled creating the conflict. This would not apply if the team was simply remiss and in scheduling the State CUP Qualifier in a timely manner.
A Scheduling error by the League
CUSL Instructions:
The home team is responsible to report in the score section of the Buckeye website with the reason the game was not played. In the case of a rainout use RO.
a. Once your schedule is published, you’ll want to quickly determine which games need to be rescheduled, particularly the early season games. You’ll need to do several things
1. Reach out to the opposing coach in the system and let them know that you need to reschedule a particular game. (and you’ll likely have coaches contact you as well)
2. Each coach will need to provide 3 days/times that their team can make up the game.
3. Field Availability: For your ‘HOME’ games, you need to email Bruce Rhodes ([email protected]) to see if the 3 provided times have availability.
a. Note that Saturdays are typically dominated by SAY/Rec teams, and there will be some weeknights in conflict. Most games will typically be scheduled on Sundays, and an occasional weeknight.
b. Field locations are (U9 and U10: Plains, U11 and U12: Walter J Long, and U13 and up is Liberty Park)
c. Proposed:
i. U10: Plains – same as it was last year
ii. U11 and U12 (8v8) – Walter J Long – Same as it was last year
iii. U13 and up – Liberty Park
4. Ref Availability
a. Again, for HOME games, When getting the 3 available dates/locations, you’ll also want to copy Tim Lesiak ([email protected]) to work with his Referee coordinator to get the game re- assigned.
5. Information:
a. When providing the information to Bruce and Tim, you’ll want to provide :
i. Your official team name and the opponent official team name
ii. Day and Time of the originally scheduled match, along with match #
iii. The 3 proposed days and times that You and the Other coach have agreed upon
Once things are finalized with the other coach, with the field, and with the ref assignment, you’ll want to post the reschedule in the CUSL system.
The home team coach is responsible for arranging a make up date with their opponent and to record the date of the game is to be played on the Buckeye website. There is a one week period between the original scheduled date and the date in which the re-scheduled date must be entered into the Buckeye website. If the coaches cannot agree upon a rescheduled date within the seven days this fact is to be reported to the appropriate Boys/Girls Director by email. Once the date and time is set, contact Bruce Rhodes.
EPL Instructions:
The EPL League will handle all cancellation notices and reschedules for their league. The coach is not required to initiate any actions in order to cancel or reschedule a game.