Meet your commisioners, coaches, and team on Monday July 22nd! Players can wear shorts and tshirts to practice Bring birth certificates!!! We will meet behind ACES at 6p under the pavilian! Practice for this kids will resume after parent meeting! This is for football only (no cheer practice this night)
For Cheerleaders only! Meet your comminsioners, coaches and team on July 19th at 6p behind ACES. We will go over practice locations, season overviews, answer any questions you may have, meet your coaches and team mates and get everyone ready to rock this year! Cheer practice will resume on Tuesday July 23rd!!
Meet us at Summerfest June 6th, 7th, and 8th and at The Dip in Ashland City May 31st 6p-8p Ask any questions, Cheerleaders can get fitted for uniforms, volunteer to help with season! See ya there!
Sign ups are Open!! Payment plans are an option online! Let's go Jr Cubs!
Cheatham County Jr Cubs Jr Pro Football and Cheer PO Box 205 Ashland City, Tennessee 37015
Phone: 615-957-9399 Email: [email protected]