Skyline Little League is a non-profit youth organization and chartered member of Little League Baseball under the rules and regulations set forth by Little League Baseball.
One of SLL's main goals is providing a healthy environment for the youth of our great community. Our focus is to encourage participation, develop character, promote teamwork, and advocate citizenship and community pride. We will strive to provide quality instruction in the development of baseball skills, sportsmanship, competitiveness, integrity and fair play.
Our volunteers, sponsors, coaches and participation fees are what make SLL Baseball possible. The goal of SLL is to provide the community with an exceptional educational athletic organization that provides enjoyment and satisfaction for all participants.
Skyline Little League is committed to enriching the lives of our youth and fostering a love of team sports and competitive baseball.
Promoting and developing core values such as respect, teamwork, sportsmanship, courage, effort, and commitment that will benefit their futures and the communities in which they live;
Supporting the idea that winning of games is recognized and acknowledged, but is secondary to the molding of exceptional citizens:
Providing a quality instructional program that teaches the fundamentals of baseball;
Increasing the skill knowledge with safe, healthy techniques and providing safe non-threatening environments;
Establishing high expectations and high standards of participation for all volunteers, board members, coaches, officials, athletes and spectators;
Coaches encourage a positive atmosphere by providing support and patience for all athletes, volunteers and officials;
Creating a culture in which volunteers, coaches, parents, officials and athletes work together to achieve the SLL Mission.
Thank you to all of our volunteers and parents, Skyline Little League would not exist without you!!