Website Manager

Burlington Township Recreation

Burlington Twp. Soccer Club

NON-TRAVEL (Recreation)

The Fall season will start mid-Sept 2020.  "Return to Play" guidelines are being established to create a safe playing environment for players, coaches and families.  All games are on Saturday's with the exception of some Friday night games.  Teams will practice 1 night per week at Green Acres Park or other neighborhood parks, which is determined by the Head Coach.  Coaches and Assistants are needed, no experience necessary.   Players will be contacted by coaches the week prior to the start of the season.  

New Positions Available:  Division Leaders

Starting in the Spring of 2019, we will be introducing new roles for our Rec Soccer League and Modified Soccer Program.  We will be adding "Division Leaders" to the Rec League for our Bantams, Juniors, Seniors and Majors Divisions.  Division Leaders will be responsible for tasks including creating teams, issuing jerseys, scheduling practices and games as well as communicating information to parents.  We can have more then one Div Leader per group.  If interested, please contact the Rec Commissioner directly.

Bantams are Pre-K & Kindergarten Students.
Juniors are 1st & 2nd Grade Students

Seniors are 3rd thru 5th Grade Students

Majors are 6th thru 8th Grade Students vs neighboring towns (local travel required)  This is a coed league.

BT Recreation Referee & Game Schedule

Burlington Non-Travel Soccer
Fall 2023
Practice Schedule
eff. 9/16/23*Subject to Change





















Team Name 02

Pre-KTom Chisholm

Team Name 01


Team Name 08


Team Name 07

Meghan Hansen




Team Name 05




Team Name 10

Crenstil Yeboah









Team Name 9


Team Name 11




Team Name 04





Team Name 12



Team Name 3










Team Name 13


Team Name 17

Kathleen Shotts

Team Name 15


Team Name 14

3-5 Tom Chisholm



Team Name 18


Team Name 06



Team Name 16










Please follow the above practice times.  Any changes to the above schedule must be approved by the recreation director and/or travel soccer commissioner. Field may be allocated for a different use on the nights that are accounted for.  We may have recreation or Riverfront teams using fields on an empty night.

See practice field layout.


The current recreation season information can be found by clicking HERE
Report any referee issues, schedule mistakes or conflicts to Kevin Klinger - [email protected]
856-316-872 five

Field Directory


Alton Way Field

18 Alton Way Burlington New Jersey United States 08016

for today only

(Last updated 11/04/19 at 11:16 AM )

View Directions

Ernie Doelle Soccer Complex (Fields 1-5)

1079 Old York Road Burlington New Jersey United States 08016

for today only

(Last updated 11/04/19 at 11:16 AM )

View Directions

Field 1

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(Last updated 11/04/19 at 11:16 AM )

Field 2A

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Field 2B

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Field 3

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Field 4

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Field 5

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(Last updated 11/04/19 at 11:16 AM )

Municipal Complex (Fields 6-7)

851 Old York Road Burlington New Jersey United States 08016

for today only

(Last updated 11/04/19 at 11:16 AM )

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Field 6

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(Last updated 11/04/19 at 11:16 AM )

Field 7

for today only

(Last updated 11/04/19 at 11:16 AM )

Pinewald Complex (Fields 8-11)

89 Pinewald Lane Burlington New Jersey United States 08016

for today only

(Last updated 11/04/19 at 11:16 AM )

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Field 8

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Field 9

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Field 10

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Field 11

for today only

(Last updated 11/04/19 at 11:16 AM )


The Non-Travel (A.K.A. Recreation) Soccer program is for boys and girls in Pre-K through 8th grade and games are played on local Burlington Township Fields against other Burlington Township children.


Non-Travel Commissioner
Michael Ramos
For info Email: [email protected]
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