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Have questions or comments that you'd like to share?
Just select the email that will get you the best response based on your topic. We will do our best to answer any questions within 24 hours. Have a wonderful day...
If you are a parent of a player and want to reach your coach, once teams are selected you will be assigned to a team and will have access to your coaches' information. You can log in with your TeamSnap ID and password to access team information. Until players are assigned teams, these email addresses above are your best option. Or, if you are a non-player and just want to ask questions, pls feel free to email the best option above.
President - Greg Tatum
Treasurer - Ryan Glover
Secretary - Nathan Biggs |
VP of Operations - John Sheridan
VP of Baseball - Upper League - Glenn Garner
VP of Baseball - Lower League - Jeff Roy
VP of Softball - Mike Sorrells |
VP of Communication and Community Relations - Barry Wesoly |
VP Basketball/Cheerleading - Mike Fulp
Directory of Equipment - Danny Rudisill
Director of Registration - Staci Benoy
Director of Technology - Kevin Wyrick |
Director of Sponsorship - Glen Garner |
Director of Uniforms - Mike Sorrells |
2016-17 SRA Commissioners and Volunteers
Commissioner of Cheer - Liz Martin |
Commissionerof Baseball - Colt 16U - Robert Bell |
Commissionerof Baseball - Pony 14U - Open
Commissionerof Baseball - Bronco 12U - Open |
Commissionerof Baseball - Mustang 10U - David Long/Ken Rudd |
Commissionerof Baseball - Pinto 8U - Amer and Nat - Jay Smith |
Commissionerof Baseball - Shetland 6U - Marcus Moss |
Commissionerof Softball - 10U, 12U, 14U - Open |
Commissionerof Softball - Ponytail and 8U - Open |
Commissionerof Basketball - 10U, 12U, 14U - Logan Key |
Commissionerof Basketball - Coed 5-6, 8U - Mike Fulp |
Assistant for Website - Nathan Biggs
Assistant for Operations - Bill Arndt
Assistant for Sponsorship - Amy Scofield
Assistant for Sponsorship - Jamie Braxton
Special Events - Barry Wesoly & Glen Garner
Background Check Coordinator - Carol Wiedwald
Summer All-Star Coordinator - selected next spring
SRA Address:
Summerfield Rec Assoc
POB 147
Summerfield, NC 27358