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Santee National Little League

Santee National Little League

Join the SNLL Board of Directors

Are you interested in becoming a Board Member?

All Board members in our League are Volunteers. We are always looking for new Board Members who want to make decisions that are in the best interest of SNLL.

Santana National Little League must maintain a strong Board of Directors. We are looking for Board Members that are interested in making decisions that further our Mission and for Board Members whose primary objective is for the positive benefit of the Santana National Little League organization as a whole.

Each year, new members are needed to replace the “aging out” Board Members (who take years of experience with them). We have an ongoing need to recruit new Board Members, particularly from the lower division levels, as parents from these divisions will be the future Leaders of SNLL.

Maintaining an adequate number of active Board members will allow each Board Member to fulfill 100% of their assigned duties and responsibilities. Doing so will prevent problems and mistakes that drain energy, time and resources from our mission of supplying our youth with a quality Little League experience.

What will your responsibilities be as an SNLL Board Member?
  1. To advance the Mission of Santana National Little League.
  2. As a representative of SNLL, be cognizant of how your actions and discussions with parents, players, umpires, coaches, other Little league representatives and the general public reflects upon the image of Santana National Little League.
  3. If you choose to volunteer for any of the below positions, perform the duties of that position (time varies).
  4. Attend approximately 10-12 Board Meetings per year (1 to 2 hours each).
No Experience Needed!
Technical knowledge of baseball is not necessary to join the Board. There are many Board positions that utilize other skills.

Please do not join if your reason(s) for joining the board are to:
  1. Gain voting privileges only (and not help run the league or maintain the premises).
  2. Use your Board position to improperly influence any league process that benefit only your team or only your child.
If you are interested in helping run the League, please email your name, address and phone number to [email protected] and indicate that you are interested in joining the Santana National Little League Board of Directors.

Board of Director Positions

Executive Positions – All Executive Positions shall require the Member to have held a position on the previous year’s Board of Directors.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a no-vote position. However, in a deadlock vote, the President is the tiebreaker.

The President shall:

(a) Be the chief executive of this corporation and shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, have general supervision, direction, and control of the business and affairs of this corporation.
(b) Conduct the affairs of SNLL and execute the policies established by the Board of Directors.
(c) Present a report of the condition of SNLL at the Annual Meeting.
(d) Communicate to the Board of Directors such matters as deemed appropriate, and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of SNLL.
(e) Be responsible for the conduct of SNLL in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Inc., as agreed to under the conditions of charter issued to SNLL by that organization.
(f) Designate in writing other officers, if necessary, to have power to make and execute for/and in the name of SNLL such contracts and leases they may receive and which have had prior approval of the Board.
(g) Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to SNLL and report thereon to the Board or Executive Committee as circumstances warrant.
(h) Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors and be responsible for the proper execution thereof.
(i) With assistance of the Player Agent examines, and certifies the application, proof of age and residency of players.
(j) As President, select and appoint all managers, coaches, umpires and committees (subject to the approval of the Board). No such person becomes a manager, coach, umpire or other, without the approval of the President. However, all appointments are subject to the final approval by SNLL’s Board of Directors with a vote.
(k) Complete the required background checks per Little League Regulation I (b) and I (c) 8 & 9; or delegate this responsibility to the league’s Safety Officer, or other designated Board member.
(l) Chair all meetings of the Board of Directors and preside at General Membership Meetings, the Annual Election Meeting, and Special meetings of the Membership and the Board of Directors.
(m) (Ex-officio) be a member of all committees except the Nominating and Auditing Committees. He/she shall have the power to appoint committees, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
(n) The President must see that SNLL members are properly briefed on all phases of rules, regulations and policies of Little League Baseball. (o) Be the contact between SNLL and Little League Headquarters.
(p) Receive all mail, supplies, and other communications from the Little League Headquarters.
(q) Oversee all post-season tournaments hosted by SNLL.
(r) Oversee and coordinates all scheduling with other Board members, including but not limited to, yearly calendar and opening day.
(s) Conduct the opening and closing day ceremonies.
(t) The President should be the most informed of SNLL.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Vice President shall:

(a) Preside in the absence or disability of the President; provided he/she is authorized by the President or Board so to act.
(b) Works with other officers and committee members; is ex-officio member of all committees and carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President. When so acting, the Vice-President shall have all the powers of that office.
(c) Be responsible for the Little League Divisions of Baseball (Tee-Ball, Rookies, Caps, Minors, Majors, Intermediate, Juniors and Seniors).
(d) Create SNLL game schedule including any make-up games.
(e) Assist the Director of Procurement and his/her officers or personnel with the inventory and inspection of all league equipment turned in at the end of the playing season.
(f) Assist in the registration and draft of players in his/her divisions.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Player Agent shall:

(a) Conduct registrations and for all matters concerning the eligibility of players.
(b) Notify the general public of the dates and times of registration and tryouts.
(c) Conduct the tryouts, the player draft, and all other player transaction or selection meetings.
(d) Prepare the Player Agent’s list of players for draft purposes.
(e) Be responsible for placement and replacement of players on teams.
(f) Record all player transactions and maintaining an accurate and up-to-date record thereof.
(g) Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the President in verifying residence and age eligibility.
(h) Prepare for the President’s signature and submission to Little League Headquarters, team rosters, including players claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit.
(i) Notify Little League Headquarters of any subsequent player replacements or trades.
(j) Not manage in any Division under his/her responsibility, but may Coach or Umpire if needed (this is not applicable during Fall Ball play).
(k) Maintain a list of pool players who are willing to play when teams in their division are short of players.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall:

(a) Keep and maintain or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and accurate accounts of the properties and business transactions of this corporation, including accounts of the assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital, and all income of any sort or kind derived by this corporation from any of its activities.
(b) In the name of and to the credit of SNLL, promptly deposit all moneys and valuables into a depository or institution so designated by the Board of Directors.
(c) Present a monthly financial report to the Board of Directors and President all his/her transactions and report the financial condition of SNLL, including reporting on budgets of each board member.
(d) Prepare an annual financial report under direction of the President for submission to the membership and the Board of Directors at the Annual Election meeting. The Treasurer shall send copies of the annual financial report to the District Administrator and to the Little League National Headquarters.
(e) All bank drafts drawn against the assets of this corporation shall be signed by the Treasurer and co-signed by the President or, in his/her absence, the Secretary.
(f) Any Member may, within 10 days of written request to the President, make an appointment with the Treasurer to inspect any or all of the records or accounts.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Secretary shall:

(a) Maintain a register of all members and directors.
(b) Oversee and manage Registration Committee.
(c) Be responsible for preparing and distributing sign-up information (i.e., flyers, social media, etc.).
(d) Record the minutes of meetings, prepare in written/typed format, and distribute via email for an approval/non-approval vote from Board of Directors.
(e) Provide attendance roster for each board meeting.
(f) Maintain files of all board minutes, attendance rosters, meetings agenda’s and activities.
(g) Responsible for sending out notice of meetings (coordinates with President).
(h) Responsible for recording the activities of SNLL and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records.
(i) Conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meeting and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise committed.
(j) Notify Board of Directors of their election or appointment.
(k) Work with other board members as need to support all areas of SNLL.

Other Board Positions: (No Prior Experience Required)

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Auxiliary shall:

(a) (Ex-officio) be the chairperson of the Auxiliary.
(b) Maintain the operation of concession facilities.
(c) Organize and purchases of concession products.
(d) Responsible for the management of the concession sales at league events.
(e) Oversee and maintain all the day to day operations of the concession stand and its contents.
(f) Schedule volunteers to work the concession booth.
(g) Responsible for making sure concessions is clean and money is put away at end of night.
(h) Organize, tally and keep records of concession sales and purchases and submit to the Treasurer.
(i) Submit a list of names of the Officers of the Auxiliary (Treasurer, Secretary, etc.) for ratification by the Board of Directors.
(j) Have the power to appoint as many sub-committee chairpersons as necessary to operate efficiently.
(k) Prepare snack bar for season opening and properly shut down snack bar at the end of the season.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Procurement shall:

(a) Procure, store and inventory all baseball equipment and uniforms for SNLL, within the scope of the budget approved by the Board of Directors.
(b) Provide to the Board of Directors a cost analysis of League expenditures, by division, to furnish a team of 15 with uniforms, baseballs, equipment bag, catcher’s gear, helmets, bats, etc. This analysis shall be available for inspection upon request by League participants/members.
(c) Ensure each team has the proper amount of equipment and that such equipment is in safe condition.
(d) Set a schedule for managers to be issued uniforms and equipment no later than five days after the player draft.
(e) Require each manager to sign a receipt for uniforms and equipment when issued at the beginning of the season and shall provide a receipt to managers upon return of uniforms and equipment at the end of the season.
(f) Ensure that broken and/or damaged equipment is replaced immediately.
(g) Ensure inventory issued to each team is returned, cleaned and inspected for deficiencies, replacing that which is necessary to be ready for the next season.
(h) Maintain a record of equipment to coaches.
(i) Check in all equipment at the end of season.
(j) Submit a list of missing equipment to the Board of Directors at the end of the year meeting.
(k) Submit a budget and an assessment of all equipment listing needs for the next season.
(l) Have the power, with consent of the Board of Directors, to appoint as many agents or personnel as he/she deems necessary to operate efficiently.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Public Relations/Sponsorship shall:

(a) Act as a spokesperson for SNLL with local and other publications. He/she shall help to ensure that SNLL’s games and activities are given due coverage in the media whenever possible. (b) Collect, post, and distribute important information on League activities upon request to Little League Baseball, the district, league members and the media.
(c) In conjunction with the Player Agent, be responsible for notification of the dates and times of registration and tryouts to the general public.
(d) Actively pursue and maintain relationships with sponsors.
(e) Design and distribute a sponsorship package subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
(f) Keep records of all sponsorship activity.
(g) Work to advertise SNLL, promote registration, drive community involvement and manage public relations.
(h) Work closely with the Director of Fundraising to bring SNLL into a more visible role in the community and bring more community involvement into SNLL.
(i) Order all sponsorship signs.
(j) Be responsible for ordering and distributing thank you gifts to sponsors at season completion.
(k) Coordinate with Treasurer to make sure that all sponsorships are paid.
(l) Coordinate Picture Day with SNLL.
(m) Be responsible for SNLL End of the Year party.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Umpires shall:

(a) Be the highest authority within the League on any rule of play including but not limited to the daily suspension of play.
(b) Not manage in a competitive division (unless a 2/3 vote of the board approves), but may coach.
(c) Assist the President with the recruiting and training of a staff of volunteer umpires.
(d) Submit to the President for consideration and approval by the Board of Directors, a list of qualified volunteers to serve as the Chief Umpires in each division.
(e) Be responsible for the scheduling of umpires in each division.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Information Officer shall:

(a) Manage the league’s official web page and all social media accounts.
(b) Manage the online registration process, where applicable, and ensure that league rosters are maintained on the site.
(c) Assign web page administrative rights to league volunteers and teams.
(d) Ensure that league news and scores are updated regularly.
(e) Collect, post and distribute important information on League activities including the direct dissemination of fund-raising and sponsorship activities to Little League Baseball, district, League members, the public, and the media.
(f) Serve as the primary contact person for Little League regarding optimizing use of the Internet for League administration and for distributing information to League members and to Little League Baseball.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Scorekeeping shall:

(a) Oversee and direct all league volunteer scorekeeping positions to ensure scorekeeper training and consistency.
(b) Be responsible for the recruiting and training of official scorekeepers.
(c) Be responsible of understanding baseball rules and scorekeeping technique.
(d) Ensure there is an official scorekeeper for all League games.
(e) Ensure that an official scorebook is provided for each level (division) of play and shall review each scorebook to identify games that require rescheduling.
(f) Compile prior year player statistics for player evaluation and formation purposes. Work with Player Agent to determine relevant information. Distribute statistics accordingly.
(g) Identify key player statistical information and develop collection and repository systems for purposes of evaluating all-star selection processes. Also to be used as basis for next year player formation.
(h) Assist Tournament Director with Tournament Scorekeeping duties.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Safety Officer shall:

(a) Be responsible to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for all participants of Little League Baseball.
(b) Perform all background checks on all volunteers. Responsible for reporting to the President.
(c) Solicit suggestions for making conditions safer, and report suggestions to Little League International through the league President.
(d) Make recommendations to improve any unsafe field conditions for players and spectators.
(e) Maintain a confidential list of Code of Conduct offenders and provide feedback to the Board when managers and coaches are selected at the beginning of the year.
(f) Order all first aid supplies and distribute first aid kits to managers.
(g) Develop and implement a safety plan (ASAP) for increasing safety of activities, equipment and facilities through education, compliance and reporting. Responsible for submitting safety plan to Little League.
(h) Hold a safety/first aid training for managers, coaches, and any volunteer that would like to learn.
(i) Ensure that safety is given the first priority in the training of players.
(j) Be responsible for providing incident report forms and for investigating all such reports.
(k) Be responsible for filing of insurance claims.
(l) Conduct a complete inspection of the playing fields prior to the new season’s first official game of the playing season.
(m) Have the full authority to stop, cancel, or interrupt any game at any time due to unsafe playing conditions.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Field Maintenance shall:

(a) Responsible for regular maintenance and upkeep of SNLL fields to ensure the proper and safe field conditions at all league practices, games and events. Prior to start and throughout the playing season, ensure each field is in good playing condition:
• Pitcher’s mound is built up to appropriate height.
• Enough field mix at each base, home plate and pitcher’s mound.
• Base cutouts are neat and crisp.
• All bases and home plate are in good condition.
• Field grass is appropriately mowed.
• Maintain adequate inventory of field marking lime, quick dry compound and rakes at each field location throughout the season.
(b) Responsible for ordering supplies needed in the upkeep/maintenance of the SNLL fields.
(c) Maintains all SNLL field equipment.
(d) Works to maintain quality and safety as well as organizing repair for fields.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Tournaments shall:

(a) Oversee and manage the end of the year Tournament of Champions (TOC).
(b) Oversee and manage any tournament hosted by SNLL including the Santee City TOC, the District TOC, and any All-Star Tournaments.
(c) Create and submit the SNLL TOC schedule no later than the March meeting of the Board of Directors for approval.
(d) Prepare and maintain all tournament schedules.
(e) Keep official records of games.
(f) Attend all district meetings for tournament directors.
(g) Organize volunteers to ensure all tournament support positions are filled for each game.
(h) Coordinate with the Director of Field Maintenance to ensure all fields are prepared for tournament play.
(i) Acquire and distribute trophies/awards/all-star pins for league and district tournament play.
(j) Coordinate ceremonial and pre/post game procedures.
(k) Be responsible for coordinating with other District 41 officials any and all District/City Tournaments.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Fall-Ball shall:

(a) Advertise and coordinate fall-ball registrations.
(b) Along with the Player Agent, create and manage team rosters.
(c) Along with the Safety Officer, ensure all volunteers have cleared a background check.
(d) Coordinate with District on the number of teams in each division, the availability of fields, and provide district with updated contact information for all managers.
(e) Coordinate all umpires and field maintenance for the season.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Teen Divisions shall:

(a) Be the point of contact between District and SNLL on all matters concerning the teen divisions (Intermediate, Juniors, and Seniors).
(b) Be the league point of contact with managers, coaches, parents, and players of each division.
(c) Coordinate with District as well as team managers on field availability and scheduling for games and practices.
(d) Advertise the availability of teen divisions to potential players and their parents.
(e) Ensure UIC has game schedule so he/she can schedule umpires for all home games.
(f) Coordinate picture day for the teen divisions.
(g) Distribute and collect all-star letters of intent from managers and players. Ensure these letters are submitted to the Player Agent.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Managers shall:

(a) Be a liaison between the Board of Directors and the coaches/managers in the league.
(b) Present a manager and coach training budget to the board.
(c) Each year, gain the support and funds necessary to implement a league-wide training program for managers and coaches.
(d) Order and distribute training materials to managers and coaches.
(e) Coordinate mini-clinics as necessary.
(f) Serve as the contact person for Little League and its Manager-Coach education program for the league.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Fundraising shall:

(a) Define, organize, and conduct the fundraiser(s) for the year.
(b) Works with teams and parents to ensure fundraisers’ success and functionality.
(c) Monitor fundraising distribution of items and collect all monies for the league.
(d) Works with the Treasurer to provide thank you letters and tax certificates to sponsors.
(e) Coordinate methodology with Treasurer to effectively collect monies from fundraisers.
(f) Organizes and conducts the Logo merchandise sales during the year.
(g) Prepares a fundraising collection report to present at monthly Board Meeting.
(h) Be responsible for team parent training and opening day auctions.
(i) Oversee closing-day volunteer committee.

Description of position: (click to expand/collapse)

This is a voting position.

In addition to performing duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors, the Director of Team Parents shall:

(a) Organize and execute a team parent kickoff meeting.
(b) Organize and maintain a list of contacts for all team parents for communication purposes.
(c) Ensure team parents receive necessary communications from the leagues board of directors.
(d) Be the direct contact for all team parents and field questions they may have.
(e) Work with the Director of auxiliary to ensure snack bar shifts are fulfilled by either the scheduled parent or the team parent.


Santee National Little League
9545 Cuyamaca Street 
Santee, California 92071

Phone: 619-663-9689
Email: [email protected]

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