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North Jersey Pop Warner Little Scholars Football Cheerleading & Dance


Levels of Play 

Flag Football Cub ages 5-7

Ball Size:
  Wilson K2
Game Clock:  Two, 22-min halves, 10-min halftime, running clock.
RULE 1: PLAYERS S1: A game is played between two teams consisting of eight (8) players each.
S2: Each team roster shall have a maximum of 24 players, and a minimum of 10 players. A forfeit will result when the minimum is not met.
S3: Only players appearing on the official team roster in the PW Roster System are to be counted as players. The Roster is completed and active in the PW Roster System before the first game of the season and verified by the league in a process called “certification.”
S4: The offensive team must have five (5) players on the line and three (3) in the backfield. The defensive team may choose any formation except in kicking situations.
S5: Mandatory Play Rule: All players will play a minimum of 10 plays. Failure to abide by this rule will result in forfeiture of that game.
S6: A team will have 30 seconds to put the ball in play after the ready signal.

A. Each player must wear a belt with the number of flags designated as “standard” by the league, which will be either 2 or 3 flags.
B. The flags will be attached to a belt and extend or hang from each side of the player’s body. When using three flags, the third will hang from the rear of the player’s body.
C. Flags will be 14-20 inches long and a minimum of 2 inches wide.
D. The belt must be tight to prevent being turned around during a de-flagging.
E. The home team will wear light flags and the visitors will wear dark flags.
F. The securing of flags to the body, waist or belt, other than provided by S-2-B, is illegal.
G. Jerseys cannot be worn over flags.
H. If a player’s flag is inadvertently lost, he is ineligible to handle the ball.
I. Flags are to be of contrasting colors, different from game uniform. Definitions of uniform shall be game pants and/or jersey. NOTE: The flags will be attached to a belt made for that purpose. Such a belt has equal resistance at the point of attachment of flags, thereby ensuring an equal effort necessary to de-flag a player.

A. All team members must wear the same color jersey.
B. All uniforms must have the Official Authorized Pop Warner Patch displayed in the designated areas as determined by National.
C. All jerseys will be numbered, front and back.
D. Any type of pants may be worn provided said pants have no front or side pockets.
E. Jerseys will be tucked in at all times.
F. Sneakers are the preferred shoe; however, non-detachable, rubber-cleated shoes are allowed. No other footwear is acceptable.

6U, 7U, TM

Players:  Just 8 players on the field
MPR:  15 plays
Ball Size:  Wilson K2
Game Clock:  Two, 22-min halves, 10-min halftime, running clock.   One (1) OT in reg season.
Play Clock:  Max 1 min between plays (enforced at ref's discretion)
Scoring:  Same scoring as all other levels.  There will be an extra point attempt after all touchdowns (to reduce the number of ties).
Stoppages:  Coach time outs (2 per half), injury and official time outs and change of possession (1 min)
Coaches:  Two (2) coaches on the field with the team, must remain 10 yards from the line of scrimmage at start of play. 
Fumbles:  Ball is blown dead if fumbled behind line of scrimmage.  Ball is live if fumbled beyond line of scrimmage.
Special Teams:  No PATs, no punting, no kickoffs.  Ball will be placed at opponent 35.
Stances:  All players must be in a standing 2-pt stance with hands on or above the knees (no hands on the ground).
Offensive Formation:  Must run a 5-3 with all linemen in the tackle box.  All backs must be behind line of scrimmage.
Defensive Formation:  Must run a 4-3-1 with no player lined up over center.  Linebackers must be 3 yards off of L.O.S. and defensive backs must be 5 yards off of L.O.S.
Blitzing:  NO Blitzing!  A blitz is defined as any player not on the line who immediately upon the snap of the ball makes a forward rush towards the L.O.S.
Penalties:  Minor penalties 5 yards, Major penalties, 10 yards.  Lining up over the center and blitzing, 1st violation is a warning, subsequent violations are 10 yard penalties.  Two-point stance violation is a dead ball, 5 yard penalty enforced from the previous spot

8U, 9U

MPR:  12 plays (roster 16-25), 10 plays (26-30), 8 plays (31-35)
Ball Size:  Wilson K2
Game Clock:  Four, 10-min quarters, 10-min halftime, Modified Clock. One (1) OT in reg season.
Play Clock:  45-seconds (enforced at ref's discretion as needed)
Stoppages:  PATs, between quarters, coach time outs (3 per half), injury time outs, official time outs and change of possession (1 min)
Coaches:  One (1) coach on the field with the team, must remain 10 yards from the line of scrimmage at start of play.  Must remain silent after teams break huddle and until play is blown dead.
Special Teams:  No rush on PATs or punts.  No kickoffs, ball will be placed on opponent's 35.
Stances:  All players must be in a standing 2-pt stance with hands on or above the knees (no hands on the ground).
Defensive Formation:  No more than 6 defensive linemen on the L.O.S. or rushing the ball and no player lined up over center.  Linebackers must be 3 yards off of L.O.S. and defensive backs must be 5 yards off of L.O.S.
Blitzing:  NO Blitzing!  A blitz is defined as any player not on the line who immediately upon the snap of the ball makes a forward rush towards the L.O.S.
Penalties:  Lining up over the center and blitzing, 1st violation is a warning, subsequent violations are 15 yard penalties.  Two-point stance violation is a dead ball, 5 yard penalty enforced from the previous spot.

10U, 11U

Ball Size:  Wilson TDJ
Game Clock:  Four, 10-min quarters, 10-min halftime, Modified Clock.  Only one (1) OT during regular season.
Special Teams:  No kickoffs, ball will be placed on opponent's 35.
Stances:  All players must be in a standing 2-pt stance with hands on or above the knees (no hands on the ground).  Offensive linemen are deemed to be in a legal stance when their hands are placed motionless on their thigh pads.  They are "set" when they place their hands on their legs and/or when the QB has begun his cadence.  Offensive linemen who are "set" as defined above, may move a hand to point or turn their head to indicate assignments.
Penalties:   Two-point stance violation is a dead ball, 5 yard penalty enforced from the previous spot


Ball Size:  Wilson TDY
Game Clock:  Four, 10-min quarters, 10-min halftime, Modified Clock.  Only one (1) OT during regular season.
Special Teams:  Kickoffs as normal


Contact Us

North Jersey Pop Warner Little Scholars Football/Cheerleading & Dance

P.O. Box 3432 
Union, New Jersey 07083

Phone: 973-509-4913
Email: [email protected]

North Jersey Pop Warner Little Scholars Football/Cheerleading & Dance

P.O. Box 3432 
Union, New Jersey 07083

Phone: 973-509-4913
Email: [email protected]
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