What are the programs and divisions of West Augusta Baseball and Softball League?
Ages are as of May 1 of each playing year.
- T-Ball (Ages 3-6)
- Rookie (Ages 7-8)
- Minor (Ages 9-10)
- Major (Ages 11-12)
Ages are as of January 1 of each playing year.
- 8U (Ages 5-8)
- 10U (Ages 9-10)
- 12U (Ages 11-12)
- 14U (Ages 13-14)
How and when will I know what team my child is on?
Team picks (where applicable) will occur at the individual league level. Once team picks have occurred, we will update the systems to reflect team assignments. Our systems will send you an notice of your child's team assignment.
Where are home games played?
Home games are played your home league. If your child is on a Craigsville team, he or she will play home games in Craigsville. Please note from time to time depending on weather or time, a home game may need to be held elsewhere.
Where will we travel too?
For softball, this can vary depending on the team inventory to play against. In the past, we have played against Riverheads, Fishersville, Crimora, Peachtree, New Hope. Leadership is working on an inventory for teams to play against in the upcoming season.
For baseball, this can vary depending on the team inventory to play against. In the past, all West Augusta Leagues play against each other. From time to time, we also participate in interleague games. Interleague games are played against areas such as NEA, Stuarts Draft, and Staunton.
When are practices held?
Each league is responsible for their practice schedule. They will share more details as teams are selected.
When does the season begin?
Practices typically begin mid March with the first games occurring the first week of April.
Who is on the West Augusta Baseball and Softball League Board?
Please visit this link to see the updated list of the West Augusta Baseball and Softball League Board.
What equipment should I get for my child?
Baseball | Softball |
What required equipment does my child need? |
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Baseball Glove- Any brand is fine. Sports stores and coaches can assist in proper size. | Softball Facemask- These are available at local sports stores such as Dick's Sporting Goods. Any brand is fine. |
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Bat Bag- Bat bag to carry equipment in. Any style or brand is fine. A backpack style is typically easier for kids to carry the equipment. | Softball Glove- Any brand is fine. Sports stores and coaches can assist in proper size |
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Cleats- No metal cleats. | Bat Bag- Bat bag to carry equipment in. Any style or brand is fine. A backpack style is typically easier for kids to carry the equipment. |
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| Cleats- No metal cleats. |
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What optional but recommended equipment do you suggest that my child needs? |
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Batting helmet | Batting Helmet with Face Shield- Girls are required to wear helmets when batting that have a face shield. No open face helmets are permitted. Any brand is fine, but helmet must be properly fitted over the ears and forehead and not fall off while running bases. |
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Bat Requirements |
Bats - Must be marked with "USA Baseball Marking"2 5/8" Barrel MaximumNO BBCOR BATS
| Bat- Must be marked "Official Softball Bat"or"Official Fastpitch Bat"
https://baberuthleague.org/bat-rules.aspx |